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guide !

y/n : your name



           EREN !

✰ eren never realized
he had feelings for y/n.

✰ he felt weird around
y/n or whenever he
thought of her but
never thought that
meant he liked her.

✰ he never told anyone
since he thought it
wasn't important.

✰ however, he couldn't
help but blush at the
thought of you two
being together which
always popped into
his head.

           LEVI !

✰ levi never realized he
had feelings for y/n
until he spoke to erwin
about it.

✰ erwin totally supports it
which weirded levi out.

✰ erwin and hange told
levi that y/n has the
biggest crush on him
but he didn't believe them.

✰ he blushed lightly whenever
anyone made a comment
about him and y/n.

✰ he definitely got happy
when him and y/n
were alone.

           ARMIN !

✰ armin realized he
had feelings for y/n
right when they
joined the training

✰ he was a bit more
obvious than y/n.

✰ he blushed like crazy
at any comment between
him and y/n and got
flustered when y/n did

✰ he told eren and mikasa,
of course, who always
made sure armin and
y/n were always together.

           JEAN !

✰ jean realized his feelings
for y/n when he first met her.

✰ at first, he thought he was
just flustered because she
is just so gorgeous but nope,
they were feelings.

✰ it was like love at first sight

✰ he always flirted jokingly with
her who teased back.

✰ some said they act like a
married couple which
made him blush at
the thought.

✰ he told marco who totally
supported it and was
a small tease about it.

           CONNIE !

✰ connie realized his
feelings for y/n like a
month after he
met her.

✰ he was flustered that
such a pretty girl was
helping him so he
thought it was nothing.

✰ but turns out, they
were feelings.

✰ he told sasha who always
made sure he was alone
with y/n.

✰ he was more obvious than

           BERTHOLDT !

✰ bertholdt realized
he had feelings for
y/n in the first year
of training.

✰ he was always so
nervous and shy
around her when he
realized those
feelings for her.

✰ he was always stuttering
like a fool and blushed a lot.

✰ of course he told reiner
who became his wingman.

✰ everyone knew and
bertholdt was pretty sure
y/n knew as well.

           REINER !

✰ reiner realized he
had feelings for y/n
a year into training.

✰ he started to flirt
with her and teasing
her, which made her
blush and be took
note of that.

✰ he told bertholdt and
bertholdt only who
totally supported it
but sucked at being
a wingman.

✰ reiner and bertholdt
concluded that y/n liked
reiner so reiner started to
flirt with krista, knowing
that will make her snap.

✰ he enjoyed watching y/n's
angry face whenever he flirted
with krista and he knew
she liked him back.

           ERWIN !

✰ erwin realized his
feelings for y/n when
hange started teasing
him and y/n, so when
they first joined the
survey corps.

✰ when levi first joined,
he thought erwin
and y/n were a married
couple, which made
erwin blush lightly
at the thought.

✰ erwin wasn't an idiot,
he noticed how y/n
got flustered when they
were alone together and
he enjoyed that.

✰ of course mike and hange
helped him out so he
could be alone with y/n

✰ later on, levi wanted in
to help erwin hook up with
y/n, no not date just hook

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