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guide !

y/n : your name




✰ eren gets jealous very easily
i mean have you seen this
sexy angry boy

✰ he gets jealous of jean
more than anyone else
since he does have this
rivalry with jean

✰ when eren gets jealous, he'll
immediately go to hold y/n's
hand or squeeze her thigh
if they're sitting down.

✰ once the person leaves, eren doesn't
let go of y/n at all and she has to
reassure him that she loves him

✰ its kinda cute when he gets
jealous since he becomes very


✰ levi doesn't get jealous very
often but when he is oh
boy oh boy is it hot

✰ he doesn't get jealous of
anyone since everyone knows
y/n is his but there are times
when he feels threatened
(that sounds so funny-)

✰ he'll stay quiet the whole time
but he will be glaring at whoever
the person is.

✰ the person would leave quickly
since levi is staring at him and
y/n scolds levi for being

✰ behind closed door, levi will
get back at her for scolding
him <333


✰ armin does get jealous
frequently bc he's insecure
but he is much more mature
about it

✰ armin will be real quiet
while the person talks to
y/n but he will be sitting or
standing closer.

✰ he will sometimes hold your
hand if he's feeling confident,
most of the time he's just there-

✰ he will admit to you that he
felt a little jealous later that
day since it's literally
not obvious.

✰ y/n will reassure him
that she loves him and he'd
be so happy knowing that
y/n loves him and chose him.


✰ jean gets jealous easily like
eren but he doesn't get
jealous frequently.

✰ jean is very confident in
himself and he knows y/n
wouldn't leave him but
some days he feels a bit
down and insecure.

✰ when the random
person is hitting on
y/n, jean would immediately
glare at them and wrap
his arm around y/n's waist

✰ once the person leaves,
y/n tells jeans she loves him
and that he doesnt have to
worry and then jean kisses
her but like a steamy spicy

✰ y/n then is like yeah forget
what i said and jean
makes sure everyone
knows y/n is his.


✰ oh, connie gets jealous
but it's not everyday.

✰ he rarely gets jealous so
it surprises y/n when he
sees him glaring at the
person who is hitting
on her.

✰ connie would not stay
quiet and mind his own
business when he gets
jealous, he'd interrupt
the conversation and take
y/n somewhere else

✰ this rarely happens though
since connie knows y/n wouldn't
leave him for some dude
harassing her but he can't help
feeling like this sometimes

✰ once he takes y/n somewhere
else, away from whoever was
hitting on her, he'd kiss her
and leave since he'd be
too embarassed to admit he
was jealous.


✰ bertholdt doesn't get
jealous a lot since he trusts

✰ but he is insecure so
sometimes he wonders if y/n
can do better, especially
considering his past.

✰ if y/n is ever getting
hit on, bertholdt stays quiet
but will stick by your side.

✰ y/n always has to reassure
bertholdt that she's not going
to leave him and she's not
planning to whenever he
feels like this

✰ in conclusion, bertholdt
isn't an obvious or toxic
type of jealous


✰ oh yeah, reiner gets
jealous for sure.

✰ its even worst for this
dude bc he got split

✰ if anyone hits on y/n, he'll
stay quiet and mind his
own business since he knows
that y/n can handle it.

✰ but if he sees the guy that was
hitting on y/n alone, oh he's going
to beat the shit out of him

✰ ofc reiner shows y/n who she
belongs to ifykyk

✰ or he'll just be a giant
teddy bear and they'll
just cuddle hehdjabshzb

✰ shittttt why is this kinda hot
am i okay i-


✰ erwin doesn't get jealous
very often since he trusts
y/n so its rare to see him

✰ when he is jealous, he doesn't
act on his feelings publicly no no no

✰ this man will take it to the bedroom
and make sure everyone knows y/n
is his and his only

✰ when erwin doesn't get jealous, which
is 98% of the time, y/n gets
frustrated bc i mean erwin
is hot when he's jealous

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