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guide !

y/n : your name





✰ eren asks y/n why she's mad
and ends up being mad as well

✰ now there's an angry couple
running around

✰ eren would listen to y/n rants
and would agree with everything

✰ eren: i can go kill them rn if you
y/n: eren, it was a dumb scene in
the show that made me mad-
eren: so? i'll just beat up the


✰ levi would ask why y/n is mad
and listen to her rant but
he'd regret ever asking

✰ he'd shut her up with a kiss
and asks if she wants to beat up
this person

✰ if she'd say no, he suggest
something else haha

✰ levi knows how to calm you
down and its just a simple kiss
from him


✰ armin lowkey would be scared
but still would ask what made y/n

✰ he'd ask if she wants to talk
about and he'd listen and give
advice to her

✰ armin would let her have some
space the whole

✰ at the end of the day, he'd
ask if she's up for cuddles


✰ jean gets annoyed when
y/n gets mad bc then he'll get
mad too and then both y/n
and jean are angry

✰ he'd probably suggest stuff
and y/n is like are u serious

✰ anyways jean would listen to
her rants and will comment
every like five seconds

✰ jean loves it when y/n is
mad bc she talks shit about
everyone and he loves the

✰ he's like OHH THE GIRLS


✰ connie won't notice y/n
is mad until like later

✰ then connie will go "aRe
YOu mAD??" like noooo

✰ he'll ask if she wants the day
off or if she wants to sneak
out to let it out

✰ connie would watch her break
stuff in the forest before

✰ he's like "yeah babe, you
kick that tree"


✰ bertholdt doesn't know
what to do when y/n is
angry like-

✰ he listens to her rant and
if she's bilingual and switches
languages, he's gonna be like
wtf is happening

✰ he'll try to suggest something
so she can cool down but she
just keeps going

✰ so bertholdt just listens, too
nervous to do much because he
doesn't wanna anger it anymore
than it is


✰ reiner notices y/n is mad
straight away

✰ he'd tell her to go calm down
real quick before doing anything

✰ he'll go with her and watch her
just like try to calm down like

✰ reiner promises to let her take
out all her anger on him
during training :))

✰ she loses anyways pfftayhabz


✰ erwin sees y/n is
angry and would ask
what happened

✰ if she refuses to talk, he'd
tell her to cool down or
take the day off since she's like
a ticking time bomb

✰ however if she decides to talk
about, he'll sit down with her
and listen, give her advice, and
let her take the day off

✰ he once sent her this teddy bear
and she destroyed it and he's like
wtf man

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