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guide !

y/n : your name





✰eren gets so mad at whatever
or whoever hurt y/n

✰ he doesn't know how to
help y/n with her wounds so
he watches mikasa or armin
or someone else do it

✰ he'd definitely hold y/n's
hand and kiss it bc he was
so worried

✰ expect lots of 'im sorry's and
'i love you's


✰ levi gets so worried, depending
on how badly y/n got hurt

✰ levi won't show it but he'd
definitely say something like
"you scared me idiot"

✰ levi would help with her
wounds and he does a
fabulous job

✰ levi would be by y/n's
side as she heals, if its


✰ armin gets so scared
and immediately comes
to y/n's side

✰ will hold her hand if he's
not the one tending her

✰ if armin is the one
helping her, he'd be very
careful and always ask
if she is okay

✰ lots of kisses from him


✰ like eren, jean would get
mad at anyone or anything
that hurt y/n

✰ not as angry as eren but
pretty mad

✰ he'd try his best at tending
to her wounds but it
wouldn't be the best

✰ if it's a pretty injury, he'd
kiss her like its the last time he
ever would


✰ connie gets pretty worried
if y/n gets a bad injury from
a titan or something of
the sort.

✰ he'd hold her hand and
kiss her a lot, hugs too

✰ connie doesn't know how
to help with her injuries so
someone else has to do it
while he does his best to
comfort her.

✰ if its a small injury, he just
laughs if it's from something silly
and tease y/n about it.


✰ so worried about y/n omg

✰ does not matter how badly
y/n was injured, he would still
be worried and scared

✰ wouldn't be able to help with
her injuries and wounds bc poor
boy is so nervous and scared

✰ y/n would have to be the one
to comfort him bc he becomes
more scared than her


✰ reiner gets slightly pissed
at whatever or whoever
hurt her

✰ he gets over it pretty
quickly since y/n is just fine

✰ if its bad, reiner would repeat
"its okay" so y/n can calm down

✰ reiner would hug her so tight


✰ erwin gets worried when he
hears y/n got injured and would
go running to where she is

✰ if its something small like a
small bruise or paper cut
or something, he'd go back
to work

✰ if its bad, like a deep wound or
a broken bone or something, he is
very gentle tending to her wounds

   ✰ is very gentle with y/n and
treats her like she is very fragile
and can break any second.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒. attack on titanWhere stories live. Discover now