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guide !

y/n : your name



           EREN !

✰ it took awhile for him
and y/n to actually go
on a date since they
had so much things
going on.

✰ the two actually had
to sneak out to go on
their date.

✰ eren and y/n just
walked around the
city at night and it
was snowing.

✰ it was really fun,
especially when y/n
threw a snowball at
eren who got his

           LEVI !

✰ levi has never been in a
relationship so he didn't
really know what to do
for a date so y/n took
care of it.

✰ they went to a fancy place
and levi was all flustered
because y/n was all dolled

✰ levi was low-key kinda
awkward since he has
never been in a
relationship and y/n
found it so cute.

✰ y/n was flirting a
lot meanwhile levi
was busy glaring
at dudes who kept
looking y/n's way.

           ARMIN !

✰ the two had to sneak
out and went to a

✰ it was actually closed
but they snuck in.

✰ they built a fort out of
books and read in there
and cuddled and ugh

✰ y/n was so excited the
whole time and armin
was just scared they were
gonna get caught.

           JEAN !

✰ jean somehow made
time and he took y/n
to this pretty meadow
near hq.

✰ they had a cute little
picnic, thanks to sasha
since she helped sneak
some food out.

✰ jean, being the romantic
he is, gave y/n flowers
and they tried to make
flower crowns for
each other.

✰ they basically hung
out there all day
and jean kept
flirting and being
romantic with y/n.

           CONNIE !

✰ connie didn't actually know
he had to make a date so
y/n took care of it.

✰ sasha, ymir, and krista
helped the couple sneak
out into town.

✰ the two went to wall sina
and pretended to be rich
and snobby and not

✰ they kinda got lost in the
city though so they just
wandered around
helplessly for the rest
of the day.

           BERTHOLDT !

✰ bertholdt had to ask
reiner for help and he
ended up taking y/n
to the lake nearby.

✰ they actually went
swimming and it
was awkward at first
but they got
comfortable real quick.

✰ y/n was literally floating
and bertholdt decided
to just body slam her.

✰ they sat at these rocks to
dry off before returning
and bertholdt was
hardcore blushing

           REINER !

✰ it was snowing hardcore
so training was cancelled
and y/n and reiner snuck
out into the forest.

✰ the two just wandered
around in the forest, not
too far, while talking
about random stuff and
holding hands.

✰ they then had a snowball
fight and reiner won but
while he was doing his
victory dance, y/n slammed
him onto the snow.

✰ he started to chase her
after that and once he
captured y/n, he started
to tickle her and omg
it's so cute

           ERWIN !

✰ erwin took her to the rooftop
of hq and the two watched
the stars and ate dinner.

✰ he was being such a
romantic, subtly touching
her and spoiling her.

✰ y/n fell asleep on his
shoulder and ofc erwin
carried her to her room.

✰ hange, levi, mike, and
moblit were watching cuz
like duh.

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