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guide !

y/n : your name





✰ eren would ask what or who
made y/n sad and will go to
beat them up, or it.

✰ a movie mad her sad? he's
gonna go write a bad review.

✰ a book made her sad? he's
gonna go burn it.

✰ armin made her sad? he's not
gonna beat his homie up lol
u thought

✰ eren hates seeing y/n sad and
is very protective of her, he'd do
anything to keep them happy

✰ he'll even murder for her 🥺


✰ levi sees y/n is feeling a bit
down and just be like "what

✰ after y/n explains, levi would
hug her, no matter how dumb
the reason is

✰ if it is a ridiculous reason,
he'd hug her and tell her
to get over it :))

✰ he hates seeing y/n sad or
cry, it breaks his heart so
he'd do small things to make
her happy

✰ like, levi would go buy y/n
hair products or learn how to paint
her nails.


✰ armin would get so sad and worried
when y/n is sad

✰ he'd cuddle her and give her
kisses and hug her so tight and
give her her comfort food and
watch her comfort show with her

✰ he'll read her a book to sleep
too uwhwubss

✰ armin doesn't care how ridiculous
the reason why y/n is sad and crying,
he'll just wanna be by her side
and make her feel better


✰ jean sees y/n is sad and
asks whats wrong and try
to make it better

✰ if someone made you sad,
you bet he's gonna go talk to
that person

✰ if she's crying, he'll hug her and
whisper sweet things to make
her feel better.

✰ if its a dumb reasons, like she
dropped your pencil, he's gonna
laugh while hugging her tightly


✰ connie wouldn't really know
what to do when he asks why
she is sad.

✰ he'll just hug y/n and kiss her,
and he reassures her with a

✰ if something caused y/n to cry,
like a movie, you best believe he's
gonna start yelling at the tv to make
her laugh or smile

✰ it works lol


✰ he'd feel so bad when he sees
y/n sad or crying

✰ he'd ask whats wrong and she
starts to cry harder and he's there
nervously sweating

✰ ofc he'd hug y/n but wouldn't
know what to say other than a
soft "wanna talk about it"

✰ bertholdt would talk with
her and just cuddle with her
since cuddling apparently
cures everything


✰ reiner sees y/n is sad and he
immediately pulls her to the side
and asks what's bothering her.

✰ they'll go cuddle and he'll just
talk about random things to get
her mind off of whatever made
her sad

✰ he'd probably go punch the person
if there was somebody that made
her sad

✰ reiner becomes y/n's teddy
bear at this moment :))


✰ erwin can tell immediately
when y/n is sad

✰ he'd ask her if she wants to talk,
he is here

✰ she tells him later and he just
hugs and kisses her hand while
pulling her closer

✰ "do you want to cuddle, i think
that makes you feel better."

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