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guide !

y/n : your name




*nsfw, obviously*


✰ eren has a really high sex

✰ man just needs to fuck
all the damn time like bro

✰ like he rails y/n and the
next day he wants more like
bestie 😟 she can't walk

✰ he prefers to receive rather
than give (did i use those
words correctly idek)

✰ like sure eren will eat out
y/n if she wants him to or
whenever he feels like it
(maybe fingering idk) but he
prefers to sit back and just
let y/n give him a blowjob

✰ he really loves hickeys,
giving them or having them

✰ he likes to leave marks
on y/n to show that she's
his and when the marks she
leaves on him show that he's

✰ not very vocal, just grunts

✰ eren doesn't care if y/n
is sobbing and can't take no
more, he will keep going

✰ unless she says their safeword
then he will stop and make sure
she's okay

✰ eren whispers things like
"you're taking it so well, baby"

✰ switch


✰ levi can live without sex

✰ if y/n wants to have sex, pls
just tell him because he is
clueless on the hints and

✰ he was kind of vanilla tbh
so y/n has to show him some
ideas because he doesn't have

✰ after some time, levi will
definitely like bondage
and punishment

✰ when levi is more comfortable,
he will punish y/n whenever
he wants and how he sees fits

✰ for punishments, he likes to
overstimulate and slapping
and spanking and edging

✰ levi will always be dom,
very rarely he will let y/n
be dom

✰ sometimes levi will be
very soft during sex and gentle
and it's really romantic

✰ like leeeviii i didn't
know you were capable of this

✰ wants y/n to scream and be
as loud as she can so everyone
knows she's his

✰ hickeys are a no because once
y/n left hickeys and marks
on him and hange and erwin
wouldn't leave him alone

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