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guide !

y/n : your name





✰ eren has nightmares a lot,
about his mom, dad, friends,
and his old squad.

✰ whenever he has a nightmare,
he'll wake up with y/n beside him
trying to wake him up

✰ he'll burst into tears before
being able to explain but
y/n knows what happened so
she'll just hug him
and whisper sweet things to
calm him down.

✰ eren would stay in her arms for
the rest of the night, holding
her tightly and never letting go.


✰ levi barely gets any sleep but when
he does, he gets nightmares of his
old friends and comrades.

✰ sometimes, he has nightmares
about y/n

✰ he'll wake up and see that she's
still sleeping soundly beside him
and he'll be calling out her name

✰ y/n would wake up confused,
clueless since he doesn't make
any movements or noise
when he has nightmares

✰ he'll say nothing and tell her
to go back to bed but he'll
pull her into his chest.


✰ whenever armin has a
nightmare, he moves a lot
and whimpers.

✰ this wakes up y/n and
she'll try to wake him up

✰ when he does wake up, he'd
have a tear stained face and
he'd hug y/n tightly and ask her
to say something.

✰ once y/n reassures him and
he hears her voice, he'd feel
slightly better.

✰ he won't be able to go back
to sleep so y/n and armin would
stay awake, cuddling and y/n
reassuring him.


✰ jean doesn't really get nightmares,
maybe about marco but its rare.

✰ when he does have one though,
he'll wake up, panting and
looking for y/n.

✰ he'll see her sleeping soundly
beside him and he'll just cuddle
into her warmth.

✰ he doesn't want to wake her
up and all he really needs is
to make sure she's still there.


✰ connie moves a lot in his
sleep and mumbles a lot but
when he has a nightmare, he'd
be moving more than usual and
he'd whisper 'stop' or 'no'

✰ y/n would wake him up and
when he does, he just hugs her

✰ y/n would comfort him until
he falls asleep in her arms

✰ throughout the whole night,
connie wouldn't move at all
and stay in y/n's arms.


✰ bertholdt gets nightmares
about the things he's done,
he regrets everything

✰ he'll wake up, sweaty, and y/n
by his side, worried

✰ he'd refuse to talk about it
and simply cuddle into her warmth

✰ y/n plays with his hair and just
whispers sweet things in his ear so
he'd calm down

✰ maybe even some humming will
make him feel better.


✰ reiner gets nightmares, a lot.

✰ he'll wake up, gasping and y/n
would be beside him already
awake bc he moved a lot

✰ y/n would simply hug him
close, reassuring him and
soothing him

✰ a simple "you're okay" will
make him feel better and calm
him down


✰ man doesnt get nightmares

✰ he built different

✰ lol jk he does get nightmares
but theyre quite rare

✰ erwin knows what he has
done and he feels guilty but
he never gets nightmares about

✰ when he does have a nightmare,
y/n would still be knocked out since
erwin doesn't make any moves
or anything

✰ he'd go back to sleep, cuddling
her since cuddles are the cure
for everything.

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