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guide !

y/n : your name



*season 4 spoilers for reiner !*


✰ eren didn't want a huge
wedding so it was small

✰ he didn't want strangers
showing up to his wedding

✰ armin and mikasa were
the wedding planners

✰ they found an abandoned
barn and decorated that place
for the wedding

✰ lots of those stringed lights,
pretty tabled and candles, it
did not look as dirty as when
they found it

✰ looking for a wedding dress
was kind of hard since y/n
and this random lady were
fighting over it and ymir just
body slammed into the random
lady so y/n can get the dress

✰ eren was kind of mad he
couldn't see y/n before the
wedding omg

✰ tried so many times to
escape to see y/n but
always got caught

✰ the wedding was perfect
until they were dancing

✰ eren was clumsy and
could not remember anything
so he kept stepping on y/n's
feet and dress


✰ levi didn't worry too much
about the wedding and neither
did y/n since the two are
always so busy

✰ some offered to plan the
wedding since it was very

✰ levi said no though lol

✰ they ended up getting
married on this piece of

✰ like levi and y/n just
wrote down their promises
to each other and all that

✰ it was like "we'll love
each other even when we
hate each other" and they
signed their names at
the bottom

✰ they framed it :')

✰ they later got legally married
don't worry lmao

✰ they didn't tell anyone how
they got married until one day
erwin and hange asked about
the wedding since its been a year

✰ everyone slightly bullies y/n
and levi for how they got married
but they're happy OKAY


✰ armin was very excited to
get married omg

✰ he had a whole thickass binder
filled with wedding ideas

✰ had their wedding at the beach

✰ everyone decorated the
place for the wedding and it was
a mess

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