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guide !

y/n : your name





✰ eren has no idea what to do
for y/n she gets sick

✰ he only tells her to stay in bed
and rest and never returns

✰ he'd only come into her
room to give her medicine or

✰ after getting scolded by mikasa,
he'd come into y/n's room
and hang out with her if she's not

✰ eren loves y/n but isn't sure
how to show it


✰ levi forces y/n to stay in bed
if she's sick

✰ he'd usually never enter anyone's
room if they're sick but he doesn't
care if its y/n

✰ however, levi wears a mask around
y/n most likely

✰ he gets so mad if y/n ever tries to
get out of bed to get herself some
food or something


✰ armin does everything for y/n
when she is sick OH MY GOD

✰ he would try to take the day
off to take care of y/n

✰ armin would cook some soup
for y/n, make some tea for her

✰ he would go out to buy medicine
and also cuddle with her if she
is not contagious

✰ literally do everything for her,
dont matter what y/n wants bc
he is gonna do it for her


✰ whenever y/n gets sick, jean
doesn't make a big deal out of

✰ he does make some sort of
soup for her and will help her
with her medicine

✰ if its contagious, man is

✰ like bye, never gonna see jean
again until y/n is finally healthy


✰ connie thinks y/n is going to
actually die when she's sick

✰ like pls its just a simple cold

✰ he would spend all day with y/n,
walking into her room whenever he can
and tell her everything that is happening

✰ connie would forget to bring her the
medicine and food though

✰ connie would probably go to church
to pray for y/n bc he thinks she
is actually going to die


✰ bertholdt gets very worried for
y/n whenever she shows the
slightest symptoms of a sickness

✰ he'd carry her anywhere she has
to be, bro literally carries her to
the bathroom if she needs to pee

✰ bertholdt would stay with y/n,
doesnt matter if she's contagious
or not

✰ reiner would have to get him out bc
y/n is starting to think she got
bertholdt sick

✰ bertholdt would stay by her side,
most likely asleep by her.


✰ reiner doesn't think its that
big of a deal when y/n is sick

✰ he knows she'll be fine but he
would still come by to check
on her

✰ if she has something contagious
and she has to be quarantined or
something, man becomes so devastated

✰ reiner would be at the other side
of the door, talking to her like "i miss you!"
and start hugging the door


✰ when y/n is sick, she gets the day
off, no paperwork, no work, and
getting special treatment.

✰ erwin would get someone to
make the best soup for her

✰ bring her gifts like teddy bears
and bring hella expensive

✰ would probably bring a doctor

✰ if y/n wants to go over any work
related stuff, erwin would get mad
and leave the room as punishment

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