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guide !

y/n : your name




           EREN !

✰ he was just got out of the
shower and was putting on
his shirt then y/n comes in
bc he was showering in her
dorm and it was unlocked
and its a whole story.

✰ he just stood there with his
shirt halfway on like 🧍‍♂️ and

y/n stood at the doorway, you
know just admiring him.

✰ she leaves when she heard
mikasa calling her name and
eren continued to change.

✰ eren acted like nothing happened
meanwhile y/n couldn't get the image
of his abs out of her head.

           LEVI !

✰ dude was about to take
a shower and he walks out
with his briefs on to get a towel
and y/n is laying on his bed.

✰ y/n is flustered and levi is also
blushing but he didnt make it as

✰ after that, y/n was quiet and got
a bit more touchy with him 😏🤏

✰ meanwhile, levi acted like nothing
happened but deep down, he is
kind of embarassed and still really
flustered about it but doesnt make
it obvious.

           ARMIN !

✰ armin was minding his own
business and y/n ran into his
room because she was playing
tag or something smh

✰ armin was about to button up
his shirt but he heard y/n and
around, allowing her to see
his abs hehe

✰ armin is blushing madly meanwhile
y/n closes the door and runs past
him into his closet

✰ armin thought she didn't notice until
he felt her fingers trace his abs softly
as she ran past him and that
really set him off

           JEAN !

✰ y/n was chilling in her room
and jean was showering in the
connected bathroom.

✰ she heard something fall and
a screech so she ran in and saw
jean laying half naked on
the floor.

✰ y/n noticed he didnt have a shirt
on so she was gonna leave but of
course jean dragged her down.

✰ now y/n is stuck in the arms of
jean and she doesn't know what to
do since she can feel his muscular
arms around her and his abs
pressed against her and its driving
her crazy

           CONNIE !

✰ y/n walks in with sasha and sasha
immediately runs out while connie
stood there with his head stuck in
the shirt.

✰ y/n starts laughing at him instead
of helping him but she soon realizes
that connie has abs and shes like

✰ she helps connie out of his
shirt and she couldn't keep her
eyes off of him and connie is
oblivious and continue to

✰ y/n becomes clingy simply
because she wants to see more
and connie is into it but
kinda oblivious on what she

           BERTHOLDT !

✰ y/n first saw him shirtless
when they went to the lake
during the trainee corps at

✰ he was very shy and y/n found
it so cute

✰ of course now the two are used
to it but back then, he was so flustered
and y/n loved it.

✰ y/n now touches him whenever
she pleases and its so natural
for the two now.

           REINER !

✰ y/n went into the connected
bathroom of her dorm where
reiner was showering to grab
her hairbrush since she left it
in there.

✰ reiner steps out of the shower
and y/n squeals and turns around
to see him completely exposed to her
with a towel wrapped around his waist

✰ y/n is a blushing mess and leaves
bathroom so quick, she said you wanna
see some real speed.

✰ reiner just started laughing and he
sees the y/n is hiding under the sheets,
the only thing on her mind is his body.

            ERWIN !

✰ he was just chilling, just looking
for a shirt to wear.

✰ y/n walks into their shared room,
holding a file, and she stops
talking as soon as she sees
erwin shirtless.

✰ she blushes and quietly excuses
herself, leaving and leaving erwin

✰ erwin did tease her about how
tiny and small she got and he
couldn't get over how cute she

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