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           EREN !

✰ he's always frustrated and does
not understand how to work zoom,
google classroom, google meets,

✰ he hates online learning, absolutely
hates it and he gets so angered from

✰ this dude always uses his mic but
its shit so everyone is super
confused when he talks.

✰ he's super slow and finishes work
very late and turns almost everything

✰ whenever theres a group project,
he would start screaming at one
of the people in the group but his
mic would be mute.

✰ every now and then, everyone in
the call will see mikasa with him
bc he's always begging for help
since he's so confused.

✰ he always enters late btw bc he's
trying to figure out how it works.

✰ he would be the last dude to leave
and the teacher is like "do you
have any questions" and eren's like
"yeah, how do i leave"

✰ when they had to submit a
video about themselves for a

grade, this dude was staring
at his camera wondering if it
was working and after a few
seconds of silence, NAH A MINUTE,
he decides to speak AHSGHG

           MIKASA !

✰ she's doing everything right like

✰ she always has her mic on mute
and never talks, only types in

✰ in the group projects, she does go
unmute but barely talks lol girl same

✰ she always private messages eren
to help since hes confused

✰ when shes in the group project and
eren's screaming with his mic on mute,
shes sitting there trying to tell him hes
on mute.

✰ istg she's one of the first ppl there
and doesnt talk to the teacher bc she
dont gaf GAHSJSJS

✰ if the teacher doesnt see that
someone asked a question or hear
it, mikasa is the girl that will help
them out.

✰ for the aBoUt mE viDEo, mikasa
did it perfectly and only did it in
one go.

           ARMIN !

✰ he's doing everything right like
this man knows whats hes doing.

✰ hes always taking notes, asking
questions and participating.

✰ he will also help eren but sometimes
he likes nope ur on ur own HAJSJS

✰ this dude participates more in online
bc he can just type everything in
the chat hahjsjdskaks

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