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guide !

y/n : your name




✰ eren loves to kiss y/n's

✰ he kisses her nose and
her face scrunches up,
he finds it so adorable

✰ eren always surprises her
whenever he kisses her nose,
its so unexpected

✰ he loves to kiss her lips but
he would always kiss her
nose since he gets the
cutest reaction


✰ levi likes to kiss y/n's

✰ whenever the two are
alone, he would just
place his lips on her neck

✰ he loves to kiss her there
since she gets weak on her

✰ levi enjoys the effect he has
on her which is why he always
kisses her neck

✰ sometimes he'll leave


✰ armin absolutely loves
to kiss y/n anywhere but
his favorite spot is
her cheeks.

✰ especially if she has chubby
cheeks or they're all puffed
out, he finds it so cute

✰ he always greets her by
kissing her cheek

✰ you already know this boy
is blushing as he kisses her
there but overtime he became
much more comfortable


✰ jean always kisses y/n
on her lips since its his
favorite spot to kiss her

✰ he loves kissing her lips
because the way she
immediately kisses back
and is left flustered really
boosts his confidence

✰ he would always kiss
her lips in front
of anyone and he'd do
it anywhere

✰ jean kisses her there
a lot to show others
that she's already taken


✰ he loves to kiss y/n
anywhere and everywhere,
man doesn't have a favorite

✰ he always greets y/n with a
quick kiss on her lips and
other days her cheek

✰ connie loves to kiss her
nose when theyre cuddling
and her forehead when
she's sad

✰ connie doesn't like to
kiss the corner of her
lips, he hates to tease
her like that


✰ bertholdt loves to
kiss y/n's forehead

✰ he can usually kiss
her there without bending
down (unless you're short
lmao losers)

✰ whenever nobody is
looking, he gives her a
quick peck on her
forehead and it
surprises y/n

✰ when he's cuddling
with her, he'll
always kiss her fore-
head or her temple


✰ reiner loves to tease y/n
and make her needy so his
favorite spot is the corner of
her lips.

✰ sometimes when he's in the
mood, he'll do that and he knows
it makes her feel something

✰ he usually kisses her
there because the way she
responds is so cute to

✰ she gets all pouty and tries
to get an actual kiss and
when she finally does, she's
super flustered.


✰ his favorite spot to kiss
y/n is her hands.

✰ he'll just be holding y/n's
hand and then he just kiss
her softly there.

✰ no matter where, he'll
brings her hands to his
lips and kiss her there

✰ y/n was flustered at
first but by this point she's
not surprised

✰ sometimes erwin would kiss
her hands then slowly up her
arm to her lips and its
the cutest

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