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guide !

y/n : your name




✰ y/n always falls asleep
very quickly so she's out
before eren gets into bed.

✰ once y/n has fallen asleep,
eren pulls her close to his
chest and he wraps his
arms around her protectively.

✰ y/n automatically cuddles into
his chest and eren kisses her
nose softly, she sometimes
wiggles her nose or scratches it

✰ the two fall asleep just like that,
y/n cuddling into his chest while
eren is holding her protectively.


✰ levi would lay down with y/n
and she'd automatically
cuddle into his warmth.

✰ she would fall asleep
immediately, cuddling into
his side meanwhile levi is
staring at the ceiling

✰ if he gets out of bed, y/n does
too and she would follow him

✰ most nights, levi would fall
asleep at his desk with y/n
on his lap but he would
only be able to sleep for
like three hours.


✰ it really depends on the day,
each night is something

✰ some nights, y/n would be asleep
on armin's chest and he has
his arms wrapped around her

✰ other nights, armin is the one
cuddling into y/n's warmth and
she has her arms wrapped around

✰ sometimes, they would face
each other and fall asleep
like that while holding
each other's hands, it all
depends on the day.

✰ also, armin takes all the
blankets so expect a war.


✰ y/n has her back pressed up
against jean' chest and he has
his arms wrapped around her

✰ because he has such a tight
grip, its such a pain the next
morning to get out of bed

✰ some nights, jean will hook
his leg over her hip or legs which
would make it even harder to
escape the next morning.

✰ y/n doesn't mind though, she
loves how clingy he is when the
two are cuddling or sleeping, he
never wants to let her go.


✰ connie moves around so much
in his sleep, the couple don't
even have a sleeping position.

✰ they would start off cuddling,
connie being the big spoon and y/n
clutching on his shirt and cuddling
into his warmth but wake up
in a completely different position.

✰ connie prefers to be the big
spoon because of how short
he is and it makes him feel bigger
and taller.

✰ if connie wakes up in the middle of
the night or before y/n in the
morning and sees the two aren't
together, he would quickly
go back to her and hug her.


✰ bertholdt cannot fall sleep
unless he's hugging something
or someone.

✰ so you already know he pulls
y/n into his chest and never lets her

✰ sometimes, the two of them have
their legs tangled together.

✰ of course in the morning, he's
in some completely different
position, probably at the end of
the bed, and y/n is hugging a pillow
by that point


✰ reiner is giant teddy bear so
he always has his arms around

✰ some nights, she is laying her head
on his chest and he has his arms wrapped
around her loosely

✰ most of the time though, y/n falls
asleep on top of him and reiner has
his arms around her waist.

✰ y/n always has her head asleep on
his chest on top of him and reiner
finds it so cute how small she is
compared to him.


✰ erwin usually gets into bed later
than y/n and once he gets in, y/n
immediately cuddles into his side.

✰ she'll then lay her head on his
chest and wrap an arm over his
waist meanwhile he has his arm
around hers too

✰ he always grabs her arm and
places a kiss on her hand

✰ y/n always gets woken up early
by erwin thought because
he wants to shower with her
and y/n can never say no to that.

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