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guide !

y/n : your name



           EREN !

✰ eren would be kinda
dumb whenever it comes
to romance but he's really
sweet and genuine.

✰ y/n is one of the only
people who can calm him

✰ arguments all the time,
they're just silly, little
arguments though.

✰ sometimes if an argument
gets heated, it will lead
to a make out session.

✰ eren always checks on y/n
to make sure she's okay,
he's kinda overprotective.

✰ he used to blush so much
whenever he sees her body
but now he's used to it.

✰ he loves hugs from y/n and
cuddles and he loves to
shower her with affection.

✰ gets jealous so much and
its so cute and sometimes
it leads to stuff.

✰ also, he will rant to y/n so
much and y/n will comfort
him and listen and eren
loves it.

           LEVI !

✰ levi is so awkward since
he's never been in a
relationship and its so

✰ he's super protective
of y/n and he always
checks on her to see
if she's okay.

✰ he's not the type to
get jealous easily though.

✰ levi is not big on make out
sessions so y/n is the one
to always engage them and
man, they get heated.

✰ at the beginning of the
relationship, levi blushed
sometimes whenever he saw
y/n's body but now he's used
to it and is pretty confident.

✰ he still makes y/n clean but
he always makes sure he is
with her.

✰ he always has y/n on his lap
whenever he has papers to

✰ sometimes they'll argue about
an expedition but they'll
apologize and its all cute and

           ARMIN !

✰ armin is the sweetest boy-
friend ever omg like wtf??

✰ he always spoils y/n whenever
he can and surprises her with
cute, small dates.

✰ armin will only hold hands with
y/n in public but alone, whew chile.

✰ armin loves it whenever y/n kisses
him and showers him with affection.

✰ of course armin would shower y/n
with affection as well, just when the
two are alone.

✰ believe it or not, armin is a bit
pervy but he is super respectful.

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