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guide !

y/n : your name



           EREN !

✰ y/n was just changing into
a sweater and this dude
just barges in like???

✰ y/n stops and looks at eren
whos standing there like 🧍
with a boner gahshshd

✰ y/n was a blushing mess
and quickly puts on her
sweater while eren is
still frozen.

✰ y/n leaves like peace out
and she goes to tell mikasa
who goes to scold eren.

           LEVI !

✰ y/n was changing out of her
uniform since she was going to
take a shower then levi walks
in with cleaning supplies.

✰ y/n stares at levi who is eyeing
her up and down while blushing
which made y/n blush hahshsdb

✰ levi leaves with the cleaning
supplies while mumbling
an apology.

✰ poor dude just wanted to clean
the bathroom and y/n decided
it was the perfect time to shower

          ARMIN !

✰ y/n was changing into a thinner
blouse since it was hot and armin
was searching for her to tell
her about this book.

✰ he runs into her room, which
is unlocked since it broke lol,
and y/n looks at him and he's
there frozen and blushing.

✰ after a few seconds he starts
to apologize while blushing
like crazy and y/n says its

✰ this boy was super flustered,
more than y/n and he got a
boner lmao

           JEAN !

✰ y/n was going to change and
she told him to not look and
it was so cute habahs

✰ jean turned around to not
look but ofc this man decided
to sneak a peek

✰ y/n noticed and she started to
whine and saying he wasnt
supposed to look and jean was
like awwww

✰ jean only looked her up and down,
bit his lips and smirked before turning
away and y/n stood there all

           CONNIE !

✰ connie was playing hide n
seek with sasha bc periodt
and he decided to hide
in y/n's room

✰ he ran in and he had his back
turned to y/n who was standing
there half naked while connie
was trying to catch his breath.

✰ y/n was like "CONNIEEEE" and
connie's like "hold on babe" and
when he thought it was safe he
turned around and his eyes got so

✰ he legit said woah out loud and
y/n sighs and continues to change
while connie just watched her with
heart eyes

           BERTHOLDT !

✰ the first time he saw y/n
half naked was back in the
trainee corps when they went
to this lake in the middle of the
night so he was used to it

✰ but you best believe he was
super shy when he saw her like
that for the first time

✰ y/n was acting like it was
normal and bertholdt was
just freaking out bc damn
y/n lowkey kinda thiccccc

✰ bertholdt made sure to
keep his distance and not
to make her uncomfy but now
hes like lol fuck it GAHSBSHS

           REINER !

✰ y/n was just changing into
her uniform and reiner walks in
since every morning he does this
but this was the first he saw y/n
like that

✰ he walked in talking like "hey
babe so can you help me convince
bertholdt. . ." then he stopped
and looked at you with a
stupidly attractive smirk

✰ y/n continues to change while
blushing and reiner just jumps
around her, hyping her up
and praising her

✰ when y/n is finished changing,
reiner crushes her in a hug and
he's definitely turned on

           ERWIN !

✰ y/n was in a rush and she was
changing in erwin's room since
she sleeps in there now but
she said you wanna see some
real speeeeed

✰ her shirt got stuck on her
head somehow and she screeched
out of panic since she thought
she might miss the meeting and

✰ erwin, who was just outside
in his office, ran in all worried
and he froze when he saw his
gf trying to get out of her shirt
while her titties were popping
in that bra and her ass looking

✰ erwin started laughing and he
helped her, being super respectful
but he does tease her during
meeting about this.

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