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guide !

y/n : your name




           EREN !

✰ his first kiss with y/n
was during their first
date together.

✰ after y/n threw a
snowball at eren,
he started to chase
her and he tackled
her ti the ground.

✰ he started to tickle her
and he suddenly stopped,
admiring y/n and she was
like "tf you looking at".

✰ eren then crashed his
lips on her and it was a
clumsy kiss but slowly
they got the hang of it.

           LEVI !

✰ his first kiss with y/n
was before an expedition.

✰ the couple were in levi's
office before leaving,
you know, just talking.

✰ a soldier came in to
tell them that they
have to get outside
since everyone were
just about ready to

✰ once the soldier left,
levi just grabbed y/n's
wrist and pulled her
into a kiss.

           ARMIN !

✰ his first kiss with y/n
was when he confessed,
just before the battle
of trost.

✰ y/n was like "ily blond
bitch 😚" and armin was
like "shit me too 😳"
and then boom, kiss.

✰ it was awkward at first
since the two are
inexperienced but they
slowly got the hang of it
and it was a soft, long

✰ it was so cute, he was
blushing so much and so
was y/n gazsbajzbz.

           JEAN !

✰ his first kiss with y/n
was when they confessed
their feelings for each

✰ jean was laying on the
floor since y/n tackled
him and they confessed
there. in the hallway. of
the survey corps hq. super
romantic, i knowwww.

✰ when y/n confessed
she returned his feelings,
she was a blushing mess
and this made jean grow
some bal- i mean

✰ he leaned up and kissed
her and she melted quickly
into the soft, passionate

           CONNIE !

✰ connie's first kiss with
y/n was during the 57th

✰ everyone was on those
bigass trees meanwhile
others were inside the
forest and connie didn't
know where y/n was.

✰ then connie spotted his
girlfriend and immediately
went over to her and
crushed her in a hug.

✰ y/n returned the hug and
connie pulled away and
stared at her before
leaning in and giving her
a soft, loving kiss.

✰ lmao everyone else
were watching them
like "👁️👄👁️ we're
in titan territory, wtf".

           BERTHOLDT !

✰ his first kiss with
y/n was during
that training
in the snow.

✰ they just finished
and were next to the
fireplace and it
was just them two.

✰ y/n was still slightly
shivering so they
started cuddling
and bertholdt kissed
the top of her head.

✰ y/n looks up at him
and the two kind of just
stare at each other with
hearts in their eyes before
leaning to have an
awkward kiss.

✰ the kiss became better,
dont worry agahabajzbs.

           REINER !

✰ reiner's first kiss with
y/n was a week after
they confessed.

✰ y/n was salty that
reiner kissed her
all over her face but
lips when they

✰ so y/n has just been
coming up with plans
that'll end up with
reiner kissing her but
they all failed hahajsbs.

✰ reiner found out from
annie and he decided to
tease y/n by kissing the
corner of her lips.

✰ he pulled away and had a
stupid grin on his face and
y/n had enough and just
pulled him in for a long,
passionate kiss.

           ERWIN !

✰ erwin's first kiss with
y/n was a couple of
weeks after they
got together.

✰ y/n was helping him
sign papers, you know,
just forging his signature.
the usual.

✰ erwin suddenly stopped
and watched y/n, admiring
her beauty cuz she a baddieee.

✰ y/n looked up and was
like what and erwin just leaned
in and softly placed his lips
onto hers, having a cute kiss
with her which totally did not
lead to a make out session.

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