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*ten years ago*

"Donghyuck, did you take your medicine for your fever before we leave?" Donghyuck's mother questioned him, "and do you have your mask?"
"Yes mommy," Donghyuck responded politely, being the obedient boy he is.

Donghyuck usually never leaves the house since his mother rarely allows it. He has been homeschooled for as long as he could remember. He has no friends, no other family. He often wonders why, but I mean... who would want to associate themselves with someone who's sick? They surely don't want to catch his illness. It's just him and his mother living in a small house.

He has never met his father before and he often ponders the reason for it. Whenever he'd ask his mother about him, she'd shut him down and get angry. He's too curious for his own good and he'll never let it go. He has to know where his father is, whether his mother tells him or not before he gets too weak.

You would think such a small boy at a young age would be outside, having fun. No, that wasn't the case at all. Six year old Donghyuck has been home most of his life, obeying his mother's orders because he is afraid of her, afraid of the consequences. He'd be lucky if he's even able to leave the house twice a month.

His mother is always watching whatever he does, which causes him to have to stay alert, concerned he'd do something incorrect. One wrong move and he may not even live to see the next day. Not that Donghyuck minds it all that much. All his life he's always been putting up a facade in front of others. A facade in which nobody has been able to perceive.

"You're such a good boy, Donghyuck," his mother ruffled his curly brown hair. Donghyuck flashed a cheeky smile at his mother's praise, "Of course mommy! Donghyuck is a good boy."

The boy stepped outside with his mother, rolling up his sleeves. The weather was hot since it was the middle of summer and the sun was beaming on them. His mother smacked the top of his head as the young boy winced in pain. She roughly slid his sleeves back down and scolded him, "Do you remember what I told you before?"

Donghyuck held his head down low with tears brimming his eyes, "Donghyuck is not allowed to roll his sleeves up no matter how hot it is." His mother nodded, "And why is that?"

"Because mommy wants to protect Donghyuck's skin," the young boy sniffled as he recited what his mother had told him before. His mother shown a satisfied smile,
"Very good. This is the last time I'm warning you or you won't be going outside anymore." Donghyuck nodded his head as his mother spoke up again. "Use your words, Donghyuck," she demanded.

"Yes, mommy. Donghyuck will be a good boy," he responded with a small smile as if he wasn't about to cry. "Good, now put on your mask," his mother ordered him and the young boy put on his face mask that covered up to his nose.

Donghyuck never understood why he had to wear a mask. Heck, he doesn't understand anything. The heat was scorching and it was only a matter of time before Donghyuck became drenched with sweat in his long sleeved shirt, while his mother wore a tank top.


"We'll try to come home as much as possible," the mother had told her oldest son. "But, who is going to take care of us?" the thirteen year old boy, Taeyong had asked both of his parents. Mark and Jisung were already sleeping in their shared bedroom since it was late.

"We've went over this with you already. Can't you pay attention? Is it not drilled in your brain already?" his father scolded, raising his hand to hit the dirty blonde haired boy.
"Honey don't hit him!" his mother held his father's hand back a bit too late, as a red hand was already printed on the boy's pale cheek.

Mark watched his older brother get hit from the top of the stairs. He heard yelling and didn't know what was happening, so he quickly ran down the stairs. "W-what's going on?" Mark tried sounding as brave as he possibly could.

"Minhyung it's okay, go back to sleep," Taeyong flashed him a smile, hiding his tears. "But you got hit," the seven year old boy protested.
"He got in trouble for not doing what he's supposed to," his father butted in. Mark wanted to believe him, but something was telling him that he shouldn't.

"Mark sweetie, do you remember how your father and I go on business trips?" his mother asked kindly, changing the subject. Mark nodded his head as he remembered the last time they went.
"This time we'll be leaving for a bit longer, for about two to three months," their mother continued.

Mark looked up at his taller brother, who stood there with his head down while their father glared at him. He grabbed his older brother's hand, hoping for Taeyong to smile. "O-okay, you're leaving now?" Mark asked, his voice was small.
"Tomorrow afternoon, we won't be here when you get home from school," their father sternly spoke.

"Taeyong will be in charge. Don't worry, we've informed our neighbors to check on you guys every once in a while," their mother replied.

They had finished their conversation and both boys were making their way to their destined rooms. "Yongie?" Mark asked as his held his doorknob.
"Yes, Minhyung?"
"Are you okay?" Mark slowly walked over to him and Taeyong gave his forehead a kiss. "Yes, please get some rest now, hm? Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Mark opened the door to his room and tucked himself into his bed.

The next morning, their mother gave each of them a kiss, reminding them to be on their best behavior and to listen to Taeyong. Their father gave Jisung and Mark a hug and just glided passed Taeyong without a single glance. Both younger boys questioned this action, but didn't speak about it.

And pretty soon, they were off to school while their parents were getting ready for their flight.


Just some background information, so you'd understand the characters a little bit more?👀
I may update some more of these kinds of chapters later on. I dont know should I? It's not definite though!

I hope you guys enjoy! I'm excited for this story!

Remember to take care of yourselves and stay stay♡

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