■Chapter nine■

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Mark and Taeyong arrived at their neighbors home, knocking on the door. The door opened, revealing a shorter man with curly blonde hair that covered his forehead.
"Hi boys! Is everything okay at home?" the male asked them since they never really came to his door.

"Hello Mr. Moon! Everything is fine, how are you?" Taeyong spoke up as the man invited them into his house.
"Great, I'm doing well! Come on in," the man guided them into the living room and sat down with them at the couch.

"We have a question, if you don't mind us asking," Taeyong spoke again, the man's focus on the older boy.
"Alright not at all! Ask away," Mr. Moon responded, happy to answer any questions his neighbors for years have. He treated them as if they were family for having known them for so long.

"Mr. Moon," Mark called out, grabbing the man's attention. "Has there been a Lee Donghyuck that has checked into the hospital by any chance?"

The man's whole body froze. 'Why are they asking? Did something bad happen to Donghyuck' the man thought. He shook his thoughts and played it off cool as if nothing was on his mind.

"Ah, the boy with the fractured arm? Yeah, Donghyuck was there about a week ago," the man honestly spoke.
"How did that happen?" Mark asked. He was really concerned for the younger boy. He found out that he had just turned seventeen this month. Mark was older than him by a year since he was turning eighteen in a couple months.

Mr. Moon shook his head, "I don't really know what exactly happened, but apparently he fell."
Mark stared at the floor blankly before looking up at the man.
"He was bleeding all over his hands the other week and now he fractured his arm by falling? That doesn't make any sense," Mark uttered in confusion. He was curious to know what's going on with Donghyuck.

"He was?! I-i mean was he now? How did that happen?" Mr. Moon asked and Mark shrugged, "He's clumsy?"
"Look, I'm really not supposed to be giving you information on patients that are not related," Mr. Moon spoke again.

 In fact, it was technically illegal to do so, but Mr. Moon, well Taeil, wanted to find out as much as he can about Donghyuck just like the two boys sitting on the couch beside him.

Taeil works as one of the main doctors at the hospital. He receives patients everyday, besides Sunday, and there is one patient that has always caught his attention.

"We know and we're sorry for even asking, but we thank you nonetheless," Taeyong said, hoping their neighbor wouldn't be upset.
"Don't thank me," Taeil assured, waving his hand. "Is there anything happening with that boy Donghyuck?"

"Honestly, I believe so I'm getting a bad feeling," Mark said, shivers running down his spine. Taeil nodded his head as he could also agree that something seems off with Donghyuck and his mother.

The three of them spoke for a while longer before Mark and Taeyong made their way out to go back home. "Thank you for your time Mr. Moon," the boy said before Taeil responed. "Anytime, you can come over whenever you want. If you need anything, I'm just a door away," Taeil giggled at his pun, watching them walk into their house and closing the door.

Taeil rushed to his phone and dialed someone's number to make a call.

"Oh my goodness?!" the boys were greeted to a shout as they entered their home. Mark and Taeyong exchanged looks and quickly kicked off their shoes to run upstairs. They opened the bedroom door of Mark and Jisung's room, which was where all the commotion was coming from. There stood an angry Jisung holding a yellow stained sock in his hand

"Who pissed on my sock?!" Jisung whined angrily stomping his feet like a three year who just had their toy taken away. Taeyong walked over to him and snatched the sock from his hold, examining it. "It's the lemonade you drank this morning, you idiot!" Mark pointed to the cup that was tipped over on the floor as Taeyong slapped the back of the younger's head.

"Ow," Jisung rubbed his head in embarrassment. "Don't yell like that! I thought something happened," Taeyong scolded as Jisung held his head low. As Taeyong continued his scolding and making Jisung clean the mess of lemonade, Mark went to check on the twins who were happily coloring in their room.

They jumped in Mark's arms as he gave them both a kiss. "What are you guys coloring?"
"A pony," Ha-young smiled, holding up her coloring book.
"I'm coloring a chicken," Hee-young said, holding her coloring book as well.
"Those are both very pretty," Mark complimented their pictures.

A few moments passed by and Taeyong finally made his way to the twin's room. "Mama Taeyongie!" the twins happily ran to their oldest brother. The twins call Taeyong 'Mama' since he's the closest thing to them as a parent and plus, he acts like a mom as well.

"Hello my princesses," he greeted them with a kiss and ruffled their soft hair as Jisung walked in the room shortly after.
"Look! I'm coloring Jisung," Hee-young exclaimed, running to grab her coloring book and holding her chicken picture up.

Jisung crossed his arms, puffing his cheeks and scoffed as everybody else bursted in laughter. "What did I do to deserve this treatment," the younger boy whined, dramatically falling to his knees on the carpet.


What's up with Taeil?👀

It was short, but I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading this chapter.

Please stay safe, happy, and healthy♡

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