■Chapter Sixteen■

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As soon as those words rolled out of Taeyong's mouth, the older pushed him so that the younger's back was against the railing. Arms trapping the younger's body, Taeyong slowly traveled his hands to his toned chest, eyes never leaving Jaehyun's.

Jaehyun let out a sigh and a hum in content, staring into the older's eyes which displayed force and disgust that was obviously evident. Jaehyun knew the older was forcing himself to do this because he thinks he 'owes' him from the time at the police station. But he doesn't, Jaehyun would've helped them out regardless of what he offered.

Taeyong hasn't given Jaehyun what he said he was going to from before, not until now. But as much as Jaehyun thought Taeyong was attractive and beautiful in his own way, he would never want to force the older into doing something he wasn't comfortable with.

Jaehyun isn't stupid. He can see it very clearly with his eyes that Taeyong is making himself do something that he wouldn't. There has to be something going on with older as well. From what he remembers from high school, he never let anyone touch him if they weren't immediate family or extremely close friends.

He's always been that way and Jaehyun has been skeptic about this. He has a feeling something had happened to him when he was younger, but he doesn't want to jump into conclusions too fast. He won't get into that discussion unless the older is ready for it.

Jaehyun knew that this wasn't him. This isn't the Taeyong he knows. He would never use or sell his body just for someone's pleasure. But here he is, trying to do so.

The younger felt Taeyong's hot, but cooled breath hovering over the sensitive skin on his neck. He was hesitating and Jaehyun knew that very well. Before he Taeyong could attach his lips to Jaehyun's neck, the younger gently pushed him back, holding his shoulders softly.

That's when he saw them, the tears that pooled in his eyes were trickling down his cheeks. Jaehyun cupped the older's face, wiping his tears away with his thumbs with a small smile plastered on his face.

"I don't know what happened before and I'm always here to listen to you when you need to talk," Jaehyun soothingly started, staring into the older's broken eyes. "I want you to know, that you are not a toy. You are not just some source of pleasure. So please, don't you use your precious body and force yourself to do something you are not comfortable with."

Taeyong's hands held Jaehyun's which were still cupped on his face as tears were spilling out uncontrollably. He nodded his head slowly as he let out a choked sob, "Thank you."
"There's no need to thank me, Tae. You're incredible for you yourself, your personality," Jaehyun responded, letting one of his hands tangle in Taeyong's hair as the other stayed on his cheek.

There's a lot to thank the younger about, Taeyong thought. Jaehyun had stopped him from doing something he knows he would regret and Taeyong couldn't be more appreciative to have such a kind hearted and thoughtful person like him in his life.

There's more to Taeyong than just his body. He has a beautiful personality. He takes good care of his family, taking the role of a parent. He works so hard just to be where he is today and pay the bills his parents left to him. Taeyong always refused his parent's money, he can get what he needs to on his own without them.

He fulfills his responsibilities and promises. He still makes time for the people he cares about even if he's busy or tired. Jaehyun believe he is beautiful inside and out and that there's more to him than meets the eye.

"It's hard," Taeyong swallowed back from sobbing any louder, afraid his siblings will hear him from inside. Jaehyun listened very carefully to the older's words.
"Why are people so repellent nowadays?" Taeyong asked, taking a step back to wipe his own eyes.

Jaehyun stayed in his spot, he didn't want Taeyong to be overwhelmed and wanted him to just spill what's on his mind smoothly without anything interrupting him, including himself.

"I'm only doing it for my siblings. I love them so much and they deserve everything, not the kind of life I went through," Taeyong calmed his breathing as Jaehyun nodded his head, unsure of what the older is talking about.

"I don't want them growing up and becoming exposed to the sickening people in this world. They most certainly don't need that in their life, it's bad enough I've experienced all types of revolting people," Taeyong chuckled painfully, only to realize he's been rambling and quickly looked at the younger with sorry eyes.
"I-I I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to keep talking..."

Jaehyun shook his head, "Don't apologize. I said I was going to be here for you and listen to you whenever you want to talk and I'm not going back on my words. However, if you don't feel comfortable sharing anything else you don't have to."

Taeyong, with a small smile plastered on his face, embraced the younger into a tight hug with his arms around Jaehyun's neck, digging his face onto his shoulder. Much to his surprise, Jaehyun wrapped his arms around his waste almost immediately.

They slowly released each other a few seconds later and the younger placed a gentle kiss on top of the older's forehead. "I like you a lot, Taeyong. And I'll wait for you until you're ready," Jaehyun stated, rubbing his thumb against the older's cheek, flashing his dimpled smile which never fails to make Taeyong melt at the sight.


"Thank you guys so much for helping me," Mark said, being extremely grateful to have such amazing friends like them.
"Anything for you man," Lucas patted his back while the others nodded.

"We're happy that you have someone else you care about that's not us," Jungwoo stated.
"Yeah, we were worried you'd be single forever," Yuta said, wiggling his eyebrows as Mark blushed and WinWin hit his boyfriend's arm.

"Just because he's helping him, doesn't mean he wants to date him! He can help people without having his own motives to get in their pants," WinWin scolded his boyfriend. The others giggled at the bickering couple.

"But if you do like him Mark, we support you all the way!" Jungwoo added with a cheerful tone.
"Thanks guys," Mark replied with a shy smile.

The boys were settled on the couch, scrolling through netflix to find a movie. They decided on Despicable Me and WinWin glared at his boyfriend, "One word about Bob and I swear I'll chop your fingers off." Yuta nodded his head vigorously.

He's not letting the same incident that happens last time occur again. He didn't receive any cuddles that day and he wasn't allowed to hold him! He's sure learned his lesson.

They still had quite a few days before the plan would fall into place and for now, all they can do is wait and hope for the best. Mark's mind is always thinking about Donghyuck and how he is currently holding up.
"Almost Haechan...I'll be there soon," Mark mumbled to himself so that the others who were focused on the movie didn't hear.


We all need a Jaehyun period.

This chapter was kinda boring and I'm sorry about that ahh but I hope you enjoyed this little Jaeyong chapter though!

It probably seems irrelevant to the story, but I promise you it plays a major roll!

It's kind of late as well...past midnight to be exact, but I wanted to update since you guys have been so patient with me!

I hope you're having a good day/night! Please stay safe, happy, and healthy <3

Much love...xx

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