■Chapter ten■

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It's been a few days and call it creepy, but Mark has been eyeing Donghyuck's home. Not all day and all night, only when he has the chance. He's discovered Donghyuck's mother's work schedule for the week. She leaves around seven in the morning and comes home between six and seven in the evening.

Because Mark totally isn't stalking Donghyuck at all, that's how he knows that information. He didn't believe he was stalking, he believes he is intensely observing. I mean who wouldn't after they find out there's something going on with the young boy?

Mark is currently sitting on the bench across the street from Donghyuck's house, pretending to use his phone so that he doesn't seem suspicious. Although, there has been people who've gave him questionable looks as they've seen him almost everyday.

'They don't think I'm a criminal, do they?' Mark thought to himself.

Mark is contemplating whether or not he should knock on the door. Donghyuck's mother isn't home, so maybe he can do it? Or would that be too weird? It doesn't seem like people visit them.

'I'll just do it. I mean what could go wrong honestly?'

Mark stood up from the bench, swiping the back of his shorts for any dirt. He fixed his clothes and straightened out his hair, though he doesn't know why since he's only knocking on the door to check on the boy.

Finally content in his appearance, Mark strolled over to Donghyuck's door step and knocked on the door.

Waiting a few seconds, the door slowly opened and out peeked a small head. Mark internally cooed at the younger boy.
"Hi!" Mark spoke up, his voice scaring Donghyuck who jumped in his place.

Donghyuck opened the door and revealed himself. He wore gray sweatpants and a black long sleeved shirt that dangerously revealed his slightly bruised collarbones. His hair laid just below his eyes which the boy gently glided his fingers to push it behind his ear.

Mark gulped, "I have a delivery?" The younger boy just stared at Mark, looking down to the older's hands, making Mark hide them behind his back. Mark nervously giggled, "You think I'm lying..."

The younger boy shyly nodded and turned around to head back inside, until Mark grabbed a hold of his wrist. The younger boy winced and Mark quickly retracted his hand.
"Oh my gosh your arm! I'm sorry!"

Mark had completely forgotten about Donghyuck's fractured arm. He feels terrible and hopes he didn't hurt him too bad. The young boy nodded quickly, scurrying to the doorknob.
"Why don't you speak to me?" Mark scratched the back of his nape.

Donghyuck, perplexed, paused and looked back at the older. Mark searched the younger boy's eyes and he could see it again. 'They're screaming....what the?' Mark thought as the younger boy's eyes were becoming red.

Before he knew it, Donghyuck was crouched down on his knees with his hands harshly grabbing the back of his head, pulling his hair and his eyes shut tightly. Mark, frantically panicked and bent down to the younger, "What's happening?!" 

Mark glanced around the area, no one was around. Strange. It was only five in the afternoon so Mark had enough time before Donghyuck's mother came home. He scooped the younger boy who was breathing heavily up bridal style in his arms as Donghyuck, hands still clutched around his head, buried his face in Mark's chest.

Mark's stomach flipped at the sudden action. He doesn't know why it happened and especially at a time like this. He chose to ignore it. Maybe he ate something old.

Mark hastily made his way through the door and kicked it shut with the back of his foot. He found a couch and laid the younger boy on top of it. "I-i don't know what's going on," Mark exclaimed, still panicking at the state of the boy in front of him.

Eventually, Donghyuck's hands loosened his grip, his breathing becoming regular again. He opened his eyes, sitting up on the couch with a dead smile to which Mark thought was out of the ordinary.

"What the hell just happened?! Are you okay?" Mark interrogated, still shaken by the event that occurred less than a minute ago. Donghyuck let out a painful chuckle, "Why are you so concerned for such a person like I who lives in agony?"

Mark calmed down to process the younger boy's words. "Can't I care about the people in my own town?"
Donghyuck only scoffed, "Nobody would dare stay near such a person like me. I suggest you scram will you can for you'll be stuck in this matter too, if you do not comply."

Mark isn't sure what the younger is babbling about, but all he wants to know is what the hell is happening. "What matter? Explain it to me," Mark suggested, sitting next to the smaller boy on the couch.

"I'm about to leave for good anyway so I'm warning you," Donghyuck started and stared into the older boy's. "Stay away, please." Mark examined the younger's orbs, pain is what he saw. Suffering and fearfulness absorbed.

Donghyuck isn't sure why he's pleading to the boy in front of him. He doesn't even know his name, let alone why he even showed up at his house in the first place. Mark looked at the time on his phone. Donghyuck's mother should be getting ready to leave work soon.

"Can you come to the beach tomorrow, Donghyuck?" Mark asked the boy in a hurry to which the younger reluctantly nodded. "Why weren't you speaking to me-"

"Listen," Donghyuck interrupted. "I have not a clue on your identity yet you know my name." Mark nervously fiddled his fingers, "Just a guess?"

Donghyuck rolled his eyes. The younger boy isn't stupid. He knows the boy probably did his research and can see the concern in the older's eyes, but he doesn't know if he can trust him. Once someone finds out too much background information, they leave or stab him in the back, using it against you. He wasn't ready to put his trust in him at the moment.

Asking for his name, the older responded. "Lee Minhyung, but I prefer to go by Mark." Donghyuck stood up from the couch, Mark following in suit, "Well then, Minhyung kindly resort to the exit of my home."

"But are-" Mark was interrupted for the second time. "You partake in too many questions, shut up will you?"

Mark kept his mouth shut and he made his way out the door with Donghyuck watching. "My arrival will be in the midst of the evening, just before the sunset," Donghyuck said as he closed the door behind him and made his way back to the couch.

He sat down with his head resting in the palms of his hands. 'What am I going to do?' He thought. He'll just have to make an excuse to go grocery shopping early this week so that he will be able to leave the house for a couple hours tomorrow.

On the other hand, Mark mentally made note of the time Donghyuck insisted on as he walked home. He has so many questions to ask the younger boy. Questions about his home, his mother, himself, his school, everything. He hopes this boy is okay because by the looks of it, the younger boy will break sooner or later if he hasn't already.

He's not sure if he's ready for that though because once the fragile boy breaks it's hard for repair such a thing. Like glass, once it's shattered their broken pieces are scattered on the floor and when you pick them up, they cut your hands. This makes it harder to be cleaned up and fixed which results in many people giving up, ready to throw it away.

Once people see someone going through a rough time and that person isn't allowing anybody to go near and help them, they retreat and give up on them.

But in Mark's case, he knows for a fact that he will not give up on Donghyuck. He will do his very best to help him and comfort him to the best of his ability, so that hopefully the younger entrusts him.


Any thoughts so far?!

I hope you're all enjoying and that in not boring you guys.

I appreciate you taking the time out to read my story and I wish you the best.

Stay safe, happy, and healthy♡

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