■Chapter eleven■

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//tw: attempts and mentions of suicide

Donghyuck's mother arrived home from work a half hour later. That was a close call. If she saw Mark in their house, she would flip.

Donghyuck has dinner set on the table as he removed his mother's belongings to hang them up.
"Good evening mommy," Donghyuck mentally cringed.

"Good evening my sick baby," his mother responded while feeling the temperature of his forehead with the back of her hand and walking over to the medicine cabinet.
"Take this. You're burning up," she said, handing him the liquidated medicine.

'Sick my ass,' Donghyuck thought as he drank the medicine.

"You're my good boy, aren't you?"
"Yes, Donghyuck is mommy's good boy!"

They sat down and started to eat. Donghyuck was coming up with an excuse to go grocery shopping tomorrow, instead of when he usually goes just to meet Mark.

"Mommy, can Donghyuck go to the grocery store tomorrow?" he asked with a small smile. His mother placed her fork down, "And why do you need to go two days early?"

Donghyuck's mind went blank for a few seconds before speaking again. "Because Donghyuck wants to cook mommy's favorite meal!" he lied.

His mother peirced her eyes on Donghyuck's. Any sharper and she might just burn a hole right through them. "That's very sudden," she said, suspicious of her son.

"Donghyuck feels like he hasn't been able to help a lot since Donghyuck is sick and he has a fractured arm," he thought quickly, frowning. It was a complete and total lie. Everything about this was a lie. He does everything and all he does is work around the house just for his mother's satisfaction. It didn't matter if he was 'sick' or injured, he still had to do everything.

But of course, he would let his mother believe that he hasn't been doing much at all which will probably backfire on him in the future.

Donghyuck's mother's face softened as she nodded, "Awe, that's okay my baby! You can go grocery shopping tomorrow...I'm excited for the meal."

"I hope you're telling me the truth though.." she added to which Donghyuck internally panicked, but remained controlled.

"Donghyuck is not lying to mommy! He will make mommy's favorite meal tomorrow!"


The next day, Donghyuck was contemplating on how he was going to pull through with his lie. His mother gets home late tonight, which buys him time to be with Minhyung at the beach. Should he even go? He shouldn't even be trusting that boy. But here he is, lying just to meet up with him.

He took a shower, careful not to wet his cast and pulled over an oversized gray hoodie and blue jeans. He combed the knots out of hair and let the strands frame his face.

It was nearing the time Donghyuck had established between the two so he made sure he grabbed his house keys and money before heading out.

It was much cooler than it was early in the day since it was the evening, but it was still hot as the heat was present.

He walked inside the grocery store, giving a smile to one of the workers, to buy the needed ingredients for his mother's meal. Once he paid for everything, he was on his way to the beach.

He set his bags down onto the sand and kicked off his shoes. He glanced towards the water, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

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