■Chapter seven■

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//tw: abusive behavior

Donghyuck was startled and jumped out of bed when he woke up to his mother staring at him with a creepy smile. "Oh my, baby relax. You're burning up. Here, take your medicine," his mother pushed the pill tablet in his mouth and handed him some water. Swallowing the pill, Donghyuck spoke. "Thank you, mommy."

In the dinning room, Donghyuck was eating breakfast. Although it tasted rather funny, he still ate it because he'd get scolded if he doesn't. After breakfast, Donghyuck washed the dishes...yes, with one arm (a/n: that takes some skill XD). His mother was using the computer, the one that she confiscated from her son, while Donghyuck finished.

Memories from the other day filled the boy's mind as he sat on the couch with a book in his hand. He kept having to read the same paragraph over and over again because of how much his mind was wandering. He kept losing his concentration and he gradually became frustrated.

'Why does he act as if he knows Donghyuck?' he questioned himself.

He has been spacing out for quite a while until his mother glanced at him, raising her brow. "What are you in such deep though about, Donghyuck?" Donhyuck shook his head, standing up from the couch and gathering his senses as he stuttered a bit.
"N-nothing mommy!"

His mother stood in front of him. "It didn't seem like nothing. Donghyuck wouldn't dare lie to mommy, would he?" She flashed the most fakest smile while grabbing Donghyuck's face roughly.
 "N-no of course not! Donghyuck is mommy's good boy!" panicked, Donghyuck's lips quivered.

Finally releasing the boy, she sighed. "You know mommy doesn't like liars, right?" Donghyuck nodded his head, "Yes mommy."
"And so you know what happens when bad boys lie, correct?" She spoke while rubbing her finger from his cheek all the way down to the arm that is fractured.
Grasping her hand around his injured arm, Donghyuck winced from the pain as his eyes started to tear. "Y-yes mommy. Donghyuck is a good boy. Donghyuck will not lie."

The panicking boy was on the verge of tears when his mother let him go, pushing him back to sit down on the couch. She left the room and came back with a bottle. She poured the liquid into a medicine cap and forced fed it to her son. "My sick boy, take your medicine," she aggressively said as Donghyuck drank it, eyes still glossy.


"Come on. I want to catch him before his lunch break," Mark whined, waiting for his siblings to get ready. It was quite early in the afternoon and Mark was in a hurry to help the fragile boy, Donghyuck.

Taeyong came down the stairs and spoke, "Jisung changed his mind about coming." Mark rolled his eyes. What a typical Jisung thing to do, bail out. "So I'm guessing he's staying with the twins then?" Mark asked his older brother, who nodded in response.
"Plus, the twins don't really want to go anyways. They want to color," Taeyong added with a giggle.

Taeyong and Mark bid their goodbyes to their siblings before leaving the house. "Jisung, burn this house down and I swear I'll make sure you regret it. You better keep an eye on Hee-young and Ha-young as well," Taeyong warned their younger brother who rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. I know, I can handle it."

"Remember, if anything happens call me or Mark or our neighbor, okay?" Taeyong reminded the boy. "Okay, I will. Now go save your boyfriend," Jisung teased. Mark scoffed and argued, "He's not my boyfriend!" Jisung laughed, pushing his brothers out the door. "Yet!" Jisung stuck out his tongue before slamming the door in their faces.

"He's so lucky I'm not in their right now," Mark scowled and Taeyong ruffled his hair, which Mark swatted his hands. They hopped into Taeyong's car and drove off. Taeyong was the only one with a drivers license in the house and Mark couldn't wait to get his.

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