■Chapter eighteen■

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//tw: abusive behavior and self harm/suicidal thoughts

Donghyuck groaned as he tried to lift himself up, only to realize that he is being restrained. He finally opened his eyes to see chains around the wrists of his arms as he was sitting on the hard, wooden floor.

'Where the hell am I?'

It was cold, the temperature in this place could be below freezing. He glanced around and noticed he was in a small room. There was a staircase leading up stairs to the right of him and a tiny window on the other side of the room. The only source of light was hanging on a wire that was connected to a bulb.

It was empty. There was nothing around. No furniture, no food, no water, just him himself.

He quickly turned his head as he heard the creaks coming from the ceiling gradually getting closer. He heard from what sounds like a door open and heavy steps made their way down the stairs which soon revealed his mother.

"I see you're awake," Donghyuck's mother said, making her way to her son that was sitting on the floor.
"Mommy, why is Donghyuck chained?" Donghyuck tried his best to sound as innocent as he possibly could.

His mother tsked, "You're a terrible liar." She smacked the weakened boy across his face and pulled a tuft of his long hair. Donghyuck winced in pain, but didn't show he was actually hurting.
"Donghyuck doesn't lie. Donghyuck is mommy's good boy," the boy with a red handprint on his cheek responded.

"So you still want to lie, huh? Okay then. I guess we can play that game," his mother spoke calmly, but Donghyuck knows she's about to burst.
"I'm giving you three hours to tell me the truth and if you don't, you'll see what happens to you," she said with a sweet but evil smile plastered on her face as she roughly ran her fingers through Donghyuck's tangled hair.

She shoved his back into the wall and stood up from her crouching position, "I'll be back and I better be hearing the truth from you." She stomped up the stairs and slammed the door. Donghyuck could hear the 'click' of the lock being switched on the door.

Why lock the door if he can't even escape these chains? Donghyuck pondered. He couldn't understand why she was doing this. It's obvious she knows about the plan, but why chain him up? He didn't think she would ever stoop down to this level, but then again who was he kidding? The woman beats him senseless and starves him.

Donghyuck isn't going to say anything. He doesn't want to rat anyone out. It's better for him this way too. It's a faster way to end this worthless life he's been living for the longest time.

He rather her beat the life out him, kill him even, if it meant he'd be able to protect Mark and his family. He doesn't even know them all that well, but he still doesn't want anything happening to them since Mark has grown on him.

He hopes Mark doesn't come. He hopes Mark doesn't pull through with the plan. He hopes Mark lied to him. He hopes that Mark was just messing with him. He hopes he loses his trust. He hopes that Mark wouldn't come for him, for the sake of his and his family's safety.

A wet drop fell on his hand and only then did he realize he was starting to cry. He stared at the droplet on his hand. Why was this happening to him? Is it too much to ask for a normal life? He shouldn't even be alive today, but here he is, practically living his life in a 'jail cell.'

That's what it felt like. He was stuck. He couldn't go anywhere with these chains around his wrists. The room was dull and the temperatures were dropping by the minute. He could freeze to death here and he would be happy about it. Donghyuck's lips formed a dead smile as he wiped his spilling eyes.

"This is want I want and it's finally happening. I'll be free....I'll be free forever," Donghyuck said to himself. His wish to end it all was finally coming true and it's only a matter of time before it actually happens.

He looked up at the window. The weather was sunny and the heat was probably unbearable. And here he is, basically freezing and starving to his death and he couldn't be happier because he's getting what he wants. Or at least, he thinks it's what he wants.

"Minhyung.." Donghyuck's smile dropped. "Dad.."

"No!" Donghyuck ripped his cast off because it was already pealing, and pinched his arm. He doesn't want to think about them. He just has to wait a little while longer before his time passes, but he can't help but think about Mark and how his father may still be out there.

Donghyuck clutched his head in his hands as he rocked back and forth. "I said no! Stop it!" He slapped himself to prevent his thoughts from flowing. And he kept hitting himself until he started to chuckle.

"JUST GET ON WITH IT!" Donghyuck's laughter became louder, but soon transitioned into a wail. His eyes were leaking uncontrollably as he let out a painful sob. He pushed the back of his head into the wall repeatedly, banging his head until his vision was no longer available and everything went black.

He had lost his consciousness due to the strong impact and he more than likely now has a concussion.


Poor Donghyuck...

Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed!

Please stay safe, happy, and healthy <3

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