■Chapter twenty two■

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//tw: suicidal thoughts and abuse

After skimming the message, Mark quickly ran back to the closet he found and threw back the coats that were inside. Reading that text message made Mark question how the person knew where everything was located in this house. This person being his next door neighbor, Mr. Moon.

He stumbled down the stairs and his eyes widened at the sight in front of him. Donghyuck passed out, wrists chained up against the wall. He hurried over to the younger and shook him.

"Haechan! Wake up!" Mark called out and the younger stirred, his eyes half lidded.
"Come on, Haechan. We have to get out of here!" Mark pleaded as he looked for the key to unchain his wrists.

"Minhyung..." Donghyuck placed a hand on Mark's, causing the older to pause from what he was doing and look back at the younger.
"You shouldn't have came," he smiled painfully.

"What do you mean? Of course I would come for you. I promised," Mark tilted his head.
"You should have lied to me," Donghyuck said, tears on the verge of spilling.

"Haechan I-"

"You should have broken my trust!" Donghyuck's lips quivered. Mark sandwiched one of Donghyuck's hands between his, giving the younger a sad look.
"I would never do that to you. I promised I'd come back and help you."

There was silence for a few moments while tears rolled down the younger's cheek. Mark went to reach out to wipe his tears, only for the younger to jerk back. Mark frowned, but pushed it aside.
"Do you know where the key is for these chains?"

"No, just leave me here to rot," Donghyuck simply stated.
"What?! No, I'm not doing that!" Mark protested, his face filled with anger from what the younger had just said.

"Yes! Minhyung please! It's my fault you're dragged into this mess. Especially your friends and family. So please, Minhyung I'm begging you...I don't want you to get hurt," Donghyuck cried, trying his best to give Mark a cold glare, but the older can see otherwise. His eyes screaming in pain and fear.

"I said n-"

"Don't you get it? Minhyung, I'm a nobody, I'm useless and worthless. I'm destined to rot in this place. It's finally happening. I'm the star that's finally about to explode, creating a black hole to suck away all the evidence of existence I've ever had throughout my life," Donghyuck choked between his sobs with a dead smile plastered on his face.

Mark was trying his best not to cry.
"That's not true Haechan. You are an amazing person and you deserve to be treated with love and care. Please trust me, I'll get you out of here."

"There's no use. She already knew about the plan even before it was situated. I give up...on everything," Donghyuck murmured, his eyes trailing to the needles and sharp objects across the room.

"Don't you dare," Mark scolded, cupping Donghyuck's cheeks in his hands to make the younger look at him. "Don't you dare give up. You're strong Donghyuck. You are so strong. You've held out for so long and you will continue to do so. We've already came up with back up plans just in case something happened......Hyuck, I was so worried."

"See? I'm such a burden," Donghyuck took a deep breath and wiggled his face out of the older's grip, staring at the ground. "Minhyung, please leave while you can." More tears were threatening to spill and it was becoming harder and harder for both boys to contain themselves and keep their composure.

"Is that seriously what you want?! What the hell is your problem?! I'm trying to help you, but you keep pushing me away! How do you expect to be free from this place without actually trying to do anything about it?! What about your father?!" Mark completely lost his control and patience.

The mention of Donghyuck's father made the younger frown as tears unconsciously fell. He's right. How is he supposed to get out of here and find his father when he's just sitting there, bearing both the physical and emotional pain. He wants to escape, he really does, but something keeps holding him down. However, even though he knew the older was right, he snapped.

"What do you know?! I never approached you for your help! It was you who begged me to let you help me. I didn't even want your help! I never needed it! I was doing just fine here!" Donghyuck clutched his head in his hands, his breathing becoming heavier as he fumed in anger.

"You're just a thorn on my side that I can't get rid of! It was all you! You're the one that wanted this! I-I never asked for any of this intentionally!" Donghyuck shouted, his face red from his uneven breathing.

Mark stood there, trying to process all the things Donghyuck had just spoken in a span of a minute.
"I don't want to be here! I-it hurts! It hurts so fucking bad! It hurts, Minhyung! Make it stop! Just make everything stop, please!" Donghyuck wailed, tears flowing nonstop as his breathing was becoming more difficult to control. 

Mark did not hesitate to crouch down on his knees and engulf the younger into a tight hug, caressing the younger's back as Donghyuck sobbed into his chest. Mark isn't upset at Donghyuck's outburst, he knows he doesn't mean it. And in fact if Mark had never lost his patience, it wouldn't have came down to this.

He blames himself, yet he is content that he finally was able to get the younger to open up and snap back into reality.
"Don't cry, shh" Mark whispered, running his hand through the boy's hair. "You'll be out of here so-"

"So I'm guessing you're the Minhyung kid," a voice spoke from behind them. Donghyuck lifted his head up from Mark's chest as he recognized who that voice belonged to
"Don't you dare touch him," Donghyuck growled.

Mark was confused. Donghyuck was just crying a few seconds ago and now here he was. Looking as fierce as ever with his glaring eyes, his face red and orbs glossy. It was as if that breakdown never occured.

"Please," Donghyuck's mother scoffed. "What are you going to do? You're chained up, remember?" She walked over to Mark, holding something behind her back as she took out one of her hands to caress Mark's cheek.

Mark backed up in disgust as Donghyuck screamed at the top of his lungs. "I said don't touch him!!" He stood up, trying to flare his arms to loosen the chains, but it was no use.
"Oh come on, I just want to play doctor," she spoke as both her hands were now visible and Mark could see the hammer in one of her hands.

"No!" Donghyuck tried to yank chains off of the wall as his mother raised the hammer in the air, aiming for Mark.


Jaehyun, where are you when we need you bby

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! This story is coming to an end very soon.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe, happy, and healthy <3

Much love...x

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