■Chapter twenty one■

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"Yes sir," Donghyuck's mother responded formally. "What can I do for you, officer?"

"I have had complaints from this neighborhood about extreme noise coming from your home," Jaehyun had informed the woman who showed a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Ah, is that so? I'm not sure why. My son and I were playing some games," Donghyuck's mother chuckled nervously as she lied and Jaehyun mentally laughed at the woman's incapability to lie.
"Very well. What's your son's name? And where is he as a matter of fact?" Jaehyun interrogated, firmly.

"Donghyuck, his name is Lee Donghyuck, sir. And he is in his room reading," the woman told the officer who nodded his head and suddenly let out a sigh.

"Ugly summer day out, isn't it? It hasn't rained in a few weeks so it's a good relief to the environment, but it sucks that kids can't go out and play," Jaehyun had shifted his umbrella to the side and stuck out his hand, letting the rain pour into his palms and glancing up at the sky.

"Indeed sir," the woman answered. "If there isn't anything else, may I go back inside?"

Jaehyun lowered his hand and averted his gaze back at the woman. If you asked the woman about the officer's actions right now, she'd say he was verh robotic with how stiff and quick his motions were.

"I don't see why not, but do tell me and confirm one thing," Jaehyun lowly spoke.
"Of course, sir."
"The noise that was being complained about were you and your son cleaning earlier, correct?" Jaehyun questioned, making sure to keep his intimidating gaze locked on her eyes.

The woman broke the eye contact and nodded her head, "Yes it was, sir."
"I see," Jaehyun started and the woman spoke up.
"I'll be going inside now. Have a good day, sir. I apologize for the complaints," she hastily spoke as she was shutting the door.

Jaehyun plugged his foot in between the door and the door frame, preventing it from closing. He scratched his chin and shook his head slightly, sucking his teeth.
"No, I apologize."

"There's no need for that, sir. You are just doing your j-"

"I apologize on behalf of your terrible lying skills, Ms. Lee," Jaehyun pushed the door wide open as the woman expressed a perplexed look and backed up when the officer stepped inside.

"You told me you and your son were playing games, but you just concluded that to be a lie," Jaehyun whipped out his badge and flashed it at her.
"I have a warrant to search your house."

He started to walk off, but the woman grasped his arm, "Wait! There's no need, really sir."
Jaehyun shook his arm from her grasp and moved closer towards her, leaving an inch between their bodies and bending over to reach the same level of her eyes.

"If you don't have anything to hide, it shouldn't take me long," Jaehyun stood back up, flashing a sarcastic smile and began searching the house for anything peculiar, leaving the panicking woman behind speechless.


"You can do it," Taeyong assured his younger brother and gave him a hug before Mark left the car.

Mark nodded his head exited the car with an umbrella. He was contemplating whether or not he should go inside the house. He dialed Yuta's phone number and the older picked up.

"Yuta, you and Lucas can come wait in Taeyong's car," Mark had assured him.
"You sure? Maybe it's best if we stay here, in case something happens," Yuta suggested with Lucas agreeing.

"It's pouring out and I know I won't hear the end of it if you two get sick," Mark rolled his eyes at the imagination.
"Chill dude. We're your best friends so we are going to stay and help to the best of our ability," Yuta assured the younger and Mark smiled, though the other two can't see it through the phone.

Mark thanked them. "And you definitely won't hear the end of it. Toodles!" Lucas warned in a playful tone as Mark ended the call, rolling his eyes once more.

He crossed the street in a hurried pace and stood right outside the doorway, which has been left wide open and unattended. Mark crept inside the house, looking around to see if Donghyuck's mother was anywhere nearby. And to his dismay she wasn't as she was following Jaehyun around the house, making sure he doesn't find anything.

He wants to shout the younger's name, but is afraid of getting caught for basically trespassing someone's house. He looked around the downstairs as his eyes immediately diverted to a door, that was beside the staircase.

He sneakily made his way across the room to the door and cracked it open, peeking inside. A clothing closet.
"Dammit," Mark muttered quietly to himself.

Mark has been searching around the house for a few minutes now and he could hear the footsteps above him. More than likely Jaehyun and Donghyuck's mother.

Mark hopes his Haechan is okay and that he is not hurt. Where is he? Where could he possibly be held captive? Why can't he find him?

All of a sudden, his phone lit up and vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced at the message on the screen, reading it in his head.

If you haven't found Donghyuck already, check the basement. It's the door by the staircase that's used as a closet. Push back some of the coats inside and you'll find the door that leads to it. I'll explain everything soon, I'm on my way...


I wOnder wHo senT thAt mEssAge

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading. I appreciate all of you so much!

Much love...xx

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