■Chapter Seventeen■

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Mark had arrived back home from the beach. He had some thoughts to process as his mind was filled with Donghyuck and trying to help the poor boy. He kept going over the plan in his mind.

After dinner, he watched a movie with his siblings before putting the twins to bed. "Mama Taeyongie," both twins called simultaneously as Taeyong hummed.
"Can we have ice cream," Hee-young asked with a pout.
"Please~" Ha-young made puppy eyes.

"It's too late for ice cream, you'll be jumping off walls if you have it," Taeyong shot them down with an apologetic smile. The twins frowned, crossing their arms while Taeyong nudged both Jisung and Mark and nodded.

The other two got the hint and the boys attacked their sisters with tickles, uncontrollable laughter filled the room. The girls were showered with kisses in between their squirms and laughs.


It was the night before the 'mission' and Donghyuck was sitting in his room, contemplating whether or not he should pack a few things. He can't take too much, otherwise it would be completely obvious to his mother that things were missing from his room.

Pacing around his room, he was deciding on something he should bring. But what does he even have that's important? Exactly, nothing.

'I don't want to have any memories of this hell hole.'

Donghyuck chose on not grabbing anything and flopped onto his bed, of course being careful with his arm. It's not like he has anything to bring anyways. He doesn't own much, not even a single stuffed animal. Don't get him wrong though, he is thankful to have a roof over his head. It could be worse, but now that he has the opportunity to get the hell out of there, he will not hesitate to take it.

"Donghyuck, what is all this noise you're making?" His mother questioned without knocking on his room door and just going inside.
"Nothing mommy! Donghyuck is just tired," Donghyuck sat up on his bed to face his mother.

She strolled over to his bed, "You know I don't like liars." She pressed the back of her hand against his forehead to feel his temperature.
"You're a bit warm my sick baby," she told and went to get medicine.

'Everyday I am, huh?' Donghyuck scoffed in his brain.

He thought back to what she said a few words prior. 'A liar? Does she know what's going to happen? No she can't and besides, I haven't been doing anything suspicious...I think?'

There's no possible way that she could know Donghyuck thought. Maybe she was just talking about him lying about being tired because he is 'sick.' Donghyuck doesn't have a clue and maybe he's just overthinking. But what he does know is that he's ready to leave this place, for good.

His mother came back and fed him the medicine, tucking him back into bed and leaving his room, the door wide open and the lights off. "Goodnight to you to bitch," Donghyuck mumbled underneath his sheets, feeling his eyelids become heavy.

This is quite unusual as Donghyuck never falls asleep right away or feels tired that easily and that's when it hit, his mother had drugged him and spiked whatever medicine she gave him.

Trying to sit up and reach for a glass of water, everything became black and he had passed out. His mother who stood by his door, creeped over to the boy who laid unconscious on his bed, running her fingertips along his jaw.

She brushed her fingers through her son's hair with a grin plastered on her face. She brought her face closer to Donghyuck's, whispering harsh, but sweetly.

"I told you, I don't like liars..."


Gray clouds took over the sky and by the looks of it, the rain was bound to fall any minute now. It has been a few weeks since the last shower of rain and it will be a good change to finally be able to cool down a little from the scorching heat.

It was finally Saturday and noon was to strike within thirty minutes. Taeil was sitting inside his office, waiting for his patient who is an over an hour late to arrive. He logged into his computer to see his list of patients for the day. He didn't have many since he leaves work early on Saturdays.

Taeil impatiently bounced his legs up and down while sitting on his stool. His elbows resting on the desk and his head grasped in his hands. His mind was racing with negative thoughts and he can't help but to think something has happened to his patient.

He jolted up from his stool and rushed out of his office to the receptionist's desk. He politely knocked on her desk, causing the woman to raise her head.
"Good morning, Mr. Moon!" She bowed slightly with a smile.

"Good morning, Yeri. Has anyone checked in within the hour?" Taeil asked and Yeri nodded her head. Taeil's face lit up,
"Please tell me the names."

"Right away, sir." Yeri answered and read off the list of the patients who have checked into the hospital this morning.
"...and lastly Kim Seokjin."

Taeil cursed underneath his breath. "That's all? Has a Lee Donghyuck checked in today?" The receptionist looked over the list again and shook her head no.
"No, he's actually over an hour late and I've tried to call home, but no one is answering. Would you like me to cancel his appointment?"

"No, don't cancel anything. Not unless the patient cancels it themselves," Taeil instructed and Yeri nodded her head.
"Thank you, Yeri," Taeil added as he left back to his office.

He glanced over his schedule of patients for the day again, only two. One should be arriving any minute now.

'What happened to him?'

"Dammit!" Taeil stood up, his stool rolling back and hitting the wall roughly. He slammed his hands on his desk, his breathing becoming slightly heavier since he was angry. Shutting his eyes and holding his weight up with his arms on the desk, a knock invaded his hearing.

"Mr. Moon, Na Jaemin has arrived and is waiting in his room," Yeri informed with a clipboard in her hands. She furrowed her eyebrows seeing Taeil leaning against his desk, but shook it off as it is none of her business unless he says otherwise. She took her leave and went back to her desk.

Taeil pushed himself from the desk, gaining his composure. He slid on his white coat and threw his stethoscope around his neck before making his way to his patient's room.


Uh oh...

The ending is nearing. Maybe about five to ten or so chapters left. Maybe more, it depends hehe. How do you think it will turn out? I have two endings in mind, but I won't say what it is or else I'd just be spoiling.

Pick a number. 1 or 2
Whichever you choose will be the ending...choose wisely ;)

I hope you're having a good day/night! Please take care of yourself. Stay safe, happy, and healthy!

Much love..x

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