■Chapter twenty four■

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(a/n: this vlive will be marked as one of the greatest events to have happened in history.. goodbye they look so good- )

In the car with all three boys soaked, Taeyong drove back to their home. Mark sat in the back with Donghyuck as the younger rested his head on the older's lap, Mark running his fingers through his damp hair.

The younger had fallen asleep as soon as he was placed inside the car. Taeyong carefully parked the car into the driveway and shut the car off. Nobody moved from the car yet, Mark because the younger was asleep and he didn't want to wake the precious boy and Taeyong because he couldn't stop thinking about past memories.


Shutting the police car door, Jaehyun approached the evidential team who had arrived a few minutes earlier. He informed them about the pieces he's found and handed it to them so that they can take care of it and finish their job.

Taeil walked outside Donghyuck's former house with his head hung low. Jaehyun noticed the older male and decided to speak to him.
"Please take care of this. Excuse me," Jaehyun had told the team as he made his way to the brown haired male.

"Mr. Moon," Jaehyun called, now standing beside the male's car. Taeil, who was about to hop inside his vehicle, raised his head and bowed to the officer.
"Yes, officer?"

"I would like to have a word with you for a few moments if you don't mind, Mr. Moon," the officer said. The rain had slowed down to a drizzle as if it wanted to completely stop, but the clouds were preventing it from doing so.

"Of course, sir. There's actually something I need to mention. And please call me Taeil," Taeil answered with a small smile.


Jungwoo and WinWin watched as Mark carried a sleeping slim boy inside the house, completely drenched.
"Mission complete?" Jungwoo asked with an excited smile and Mark nodded his head.

Both WinWin and Jungwoo high fived each other. It was already later in the evening.
"That's great! I'm glad it worked out," Jungwoo said as WinWin agreed.
"The kids fell asleep after dinner," WinWin told Mark and Taeyong who had just stepped inside the house.

"Thank you guys so much. I owe you guys big time," Mark responded with a content sigh.
"No need. We're your best friends," Jungwoo reminded and Mark wanted to protest but the boys didn't let him.

They had left after Taeyong thanked them and Mark brought the younger boy upstairs to the bathroom. He sat the boy on the closed lidded toilet and spoke to him ever so gently.
"Haechan, I'm going to get you a pair of clothes so you can shower," Mark informed the younger who nodded wearily as he had just woken up.

Mark crept inside his room, making sure he doesn't wake Jisung up and grabbed a pair of clothes for the younger. Mark strolled back inside the bathroom and sat the clothes on sink. Donghyuck watched as Mark opened the closet in the bathroom and pulled out a clean towel, hanging it over the shower curtain.

"Minhyung," Donghyuck spoke up with his sweater paws rubbing his eyes. Mark looked over at the younger.
"..can I wear one of your hoodies?" Donghyuck asked and immediately regretted his question as his cheeks tinted pink.

"N-nevermind," Donghyuck shook his head, stuttering as Mark placed a finger on the boy's plump lips.

"Of course," Mark smiled fondly and nodded his head. He left the bathroom and came back with a green hoodie, placing it on top of the sink.

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