■Chapter fourteen■

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It was nearing eight and Donghyuck had to start heading home before his mother arrives only to realize that he is no where to be found. He stood up from the sand after slipping on his foot wear, Mark following in suit. 

"I'll walk you home," Mark insisted, afraid to leave the fragile boy walking all by himself in the dark.  It's too dangerous for either of them to be out there by themselves, but Mark's concern was mainly Donghyuck. Pulling over his hoodie through his head, Donghyuck shook his head. "There's no need, Minhyung. I'm perfectly capable of going home by myself."

Mark rolled his eyes and after a few minutes of trying to convince the younger boy, he had one. Mark had carried the shopping bags for him while walking the other home. The rest of the time they had spent prior to going home, both boys were getting to know each other better and trying to come up with a plan. 

It was going to be a bit difficult knowing that Donghyuck's mother keeps her tracks on her son's whereabouts at all times. Mark had suggested in his friends and brothers helping them in their plan, and at first Donghyuck was hesitant about it, but decided to put his full trust in Mark and agree with it. He just hopes he doesn't break his trust and if Mark does, something is yet to come. 


As soon as Donghyuck stepped inside his house, without a kiss on the cheek from Mark of course, he quickly ran into the kitchen to wash his hands and start dinner before his mother strolls through the door any second now. He doesn't want to be here, but he knows that their plan can not take action today or it would be too obvious to his mother that he was out for other purposes than grocery shopping.

Just about to serve both dinner plates, his mother barged through the door and Donghyuck panicked. 'Did she find out? '

"Hello mommy!" The seventeen year old boy was about to lose his composure until his mother spoke up. "Hello my sick baby! The food smells delicious~" she sang as he internally sighed in relief that she did not find anything out. He took her bag and shoes to place them where they belong. 

Donghyuck set the table and they began eating. Going in for his fourth bite, his mother pulled his plate away from him. "No more," she sternly told him, Donghyuck protesting and cursing in his mind. He's starving, he's been out all day and this selfish woman dares to take his food away and eats it in front of him. Donghyuck gets lucky sometimes if he's able to even eat at least twice a day, but he guesses it's one of those days where he only eats once. 

Technically it's his fault for not eating before he left the house earlier so he can't do anything about it. That is what he chose, this is the consequence that comes with it. 


Mark returned to his house late that night. He was too busy taking everything in and wandering the midst of the night, taking in the warm, fresh breeze. Ambling to clear his mind, to come up with a back up plan. He has already made it clear that he wants to protect his Haechan from danger and harms way. 

His house in the distance, he notices a person sitting on the steps, Taeyong. He jogged his way over to his older brother who had his hands behind him, holding himself up for balance as he leaned back and stared into the sky. He plopped himself besides him without startling the older, sitting in silence.

"How'd it go?" Taeyong broke the silence, his eyes still fixed in the sky. "It went alright. We came up with a plan, but I don't know. I think I should come up with a back up just in case," Mark answered honestly, picking at the skin above his nails. Taeyong sighed, grabbing Mark's hands to stop his nasty habit, "If you need any help, you know where to find me." Both boys giggled.

"Yongie, do you think we'll be able to help him?" Mark asked after he explained some of the plan to his older brother. "I believe so. Stop thinking so negative," Taeyong flicked his younger brother's forehead, causing the other to rub the pain away. 

To be honest, Taeyong wasn't sure what was going to happen. He doesn't want to have the younger boy's hopes up and hate himself if the plan were to fail. Taeyong is going to make sure that doesn't happen. He can see how deeply Mark cares for this boy and he wants to do everything in his power to help him succeed. 

"Where is everyone?" Mark questioned, wondering where his siblings were. "Are you seriously asking this? It's past midnight, Mark! They're asleep," Taeyong scoffed in annoyance, raising his hand to slap the boy, causing Mark to wince and back up from the crazy beast that had unleashed his inner mommy mode.

Laughing it off, the atmosphere became serious again and Mark rested his head on Taeyong's shoulder who ran his fingers through the younger's hair, massaging it. Mark is a sucker for head massages, call him a baby, but he loves it. It's something Taeyong has always done to him since he was a baby. And to Taeyong, Mark still is his baby. 


I will be posting more chapters from both Gummy Bear Acception and Clouded Sunshine throughout the day, so be on a lookout!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading!

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