■Chapter three■

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//tw: attempts of suicide

As Donghyuck was cooking dinner, he was reminiscing the scene that took action not too long ago.

Donghyuck dropped his shopping bags onto the sand and plopped himself down. He threw his shoes and socks off and leaned himself back in the sand with his arms holding him up. "Another year, yet another birthday in agony," the now seventeen year old boy said to himself.

He's had no luck in finding his father and at this point, he thinks his father may not even live in the country anymore. He just wanted to meet the man, maybe even live with him so that he can be as far away from his mother as possible. Would he dare say that to his mother's face? No. Especially not with what she's capable of.

The sun was setting, meaning his mother would be home in an hour or so from work. "What if...." he mumbled as he stood up from the sand. He found himself wandering into the water, stretching his arms out to the waves. "Nothing can hurt me as much as I'm hurting now."

Traveling deeper into the water, the waves growing larger each step he took, he let out a plea. "Oh tides please take me for I am weak. Take me for I am to be swept away in the midst of the evening. Take me for I shan't live any longer as my heart desires to be free."

"I'm so close," Donghyuck croaked, as his thoughts were interrupted by an unfamiliar yell. "Excuse me!" He ignored the call as his plodded through the waves, the water reaching just below his thighs. He heard the call again.

"Please tides, can't you see I'm suffering? I need you to make me vanish from my troubles," Donghyuck whispered, clasping his hands together. "You in the black shirt!" an angry yell called out, startling a now frozen Donghyuck. He slowly turned around, releasing an annoyed sigh and walked towards the male who had black hair, removing his mask.

Donghyuck waited for the other male to say something until he got impatient and collected his things. About to walk away, the black haired male grabbed his wrist, "wait don't go."

Gently yanking his wrist from his hold, Donghyuck gave a sassy response as he looked at the other. "And to what do you deserve the pleasure of my stay?"
"I don't know, you just seem...different?" Donghyuck heard the confusion in the male's voice.
"By different, you presume odd? Peculiar? Skeptical?" Donghyuck retorted, quite annoyed. This male dares speak with him, interrupting his 'swimming,' and is now suggesting that he's different.

"No that's not what I mean-" Donghyuck spoke again, interrupting the male from finishing his defense. "Your perceptions and my perceptions are two separate categories. Therefore, you shall not coincide them with each other. Being 'different' does not identify who we truly are. It's how we handle the hardships and stumbles we face throughout our lifetime."

Donghyuck hates being identified as different and is misjudged from people who don't even know him. He has to give this boy props though. He's the first one who's ever approached him, instead of speaking behind his back.

"I hope I didn't-"

"Offend me? Indeed, you did. You don't even know me, but can I really blame you? No, not at all, for I blame thy self," Donghyuck interrupted bluntly. The other male doesn't know what to say and Donghyuck can sense that, letting out a pained chuckle.

"Lifetime is like the sun. For as each day passes, the sun itself slowly loses its hydrogen fuel, marking the end of its main sequence phase. Eventually it will cripple, turning into a dwarf that will soon explode. This concludes in the aftermath of a black hole, demolishing whatever is near. It's only a matter of time before that will happen to me," Donghyuck said, quickly regretting what he said. This boy must think he's insane and that's exactly what Donghyuck doesn't wish to be identified as.

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