■Chapter twenty seven■

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"Markie," Hee-young jumped on Mark's bed, shaking her older brother awake. Mark groaned while rubbing his eyes.
"It's too early," Mark whined and lifted his covers over his face.

"But Hyuckie is here," Ha-young informed the older who immediately rose up from his bed.
"What?! Right now?!" Mark frantically ran into the bathroom and cleaned himself up.

He had totally forgotten that they were supposed to hang out today. Mark quickly threw on black jeans and a gray short sleeved button up shirt. The twins giggled at their older brother's panicked state.

Mark ran down the stairs and paused at the bottom, fixing his messy hair before walking into the kitchen where Taeyong and Donghyuck were eating breakfast.

"Good morning sleep head," Donghyuck remarked as he stuffed his face with pancakes.
"Good morning," Mark chuckled nervously and sat next to the younger and began eating his food.

After breakfast, Mark and Donghyuck were putting their shoes on.
"I was thinking we'd go for a walk and just chill," Mark suggested as Jisung snickered.

Mark whipped his head around and glared at his younger brother.
"I'm sorry, but you're so bad at this," Jisung laughed hysterically, but instantly stopped when he saw Taeyong raise his hand.

Donghyuck giggled at the chaotic family as Mark rolled his eyes and pulled the younger out of the house.
"Be careful guys!" They heard Taeyong shout from inside the house.

As soon as they were finally at the beach, they slipped of their shoes and let their toes curl in the sand underneath them. Donghyuck was wearing ripped jeans that showed his golden thighs and a black oversized t - shirt, which he took from Mark's closet.

The older didn't mind anyway. He though the younger looked absolutely adore and astonishing in his clothes. They started walking along the shore, enjoying the sound of the waves crashing.

School was starting next week and the two boys were taking advantage of the last few days of summer. Donghyuck was going to be attending the same high school as Mark. He has never been to a public school as he has always been homeschooled.

"Are you excited for school to start?" Mark asked the Donghyuck and the younger looked at him in disgust.
"Ew, who would be excited for school," the young remarked sarcastically as Mark laughed.

Donghyuck has been improving a lot throughout the summer. His relationship with his uncle is really tight and he could never ask for anything better. He is extremely grateful to have such amazing people in his life who still love him after what he's been through.

"I'm mainly nervous if anything. I don't want to get lost," Donghyuck answered honestly.
"Don't worry, I'll be there with you," Mark said as he smoothly slipped his hand into Donghyuck's and intertwined them.

Donghyuck had trouble fighting of the urge to smile as a blush crept on his cheeks. Mark was glad the younger has been doing much better, much happier. Mark gently grabbed the younger's chin with his spare hand and made the younger face him.

"I told you not to hide that beautiful smile of yours, my Haechan," Mark spoke sweetly as chills went down the younger's spine. Donghyuck's blush on his cheeks deepened.

Mark caressed the boy's cheek with his thumb and tangled his hand in the younger's curly hair. His traced his pointer finger from the top of Donghyuck's forehead to his plumped, heart shaped lips and stared at then intensely.

Both boys subconsciously leaning in closer, their lips touched and both boys felt a spark of electricity that that ran through the them and seeped into their veins. Donghyuck wrapped his arms around the older's neck as Mark engulfed the younger's waist.

"I love you," Mark mumbled in between their shared kiss as they slowly pulled away, both cheeks crimson.
"I love you too, Minhyung. Thank you so much, for helping me, for getting rid of the clouds that were blocking the sunshine, for loving me," Donghyuck smiled while staring deeply into the older's orbs.

Mark responded to Donghyuck's words with another kiss, which the younger gladly kissed back. Pulling away again, Mark spoke up.
"Will you be my boyfriend, Haechan?"

Donghyuck nodded his head vigorously with a smile plastered on his face.
"It's about time! Damn!" Both boys laughed as they went in for a kiss for the third time, addicted to each other's lips.

Mark was able to help Donghyuck run away, better yet, escape his clouded reality and seek for his ray of sunshine. Donghyuck's ray of sunshine being Mark and his family.

He would do anything for the younger boy. He was intrigued in the younger's being since the first day he saw him. Who knew they would end up like this? Completely whipped for each other.

Mark couldn't wait to be with the older for the rest of his life as he was already planning to marry the younger when they get older. He's going to treat Donghyuck with so much love and care, just as he deserves.

His sunshine found a way to shine through and past the foggy clouds. His sunshine was no longer clouded, but exposed. The exposure of his light, his joy, his happiness, his love finally broke free and displayed to the world. It was no longer barricaded and hidden and it was everything he could ever ask for.



Sucky ending but that was it y'all, the last chapter ahh I had so much fun writing this. I might update a special chapter, I don't know it depends on what you guys would want!

I appreciate all of your comments, votes, and support throughout this book. It truly means a lot to me and words can not express how thankful I am for each and everyone of you.

I have another book that I'm currently still in the process of updating called Gummy Bear Acception! If you haven't already, you should check it out if you'd like!

I hope I keep you guys interested in my other books that I have in store for you all! By the way, there was a hint in this chapter of my next book...did you guys catch it?!

I apologize for any grammatical errors throughout this book. I will fix them eventually haha. Thank you so so so much for reading!!

Please stay safe, happy, and healthy<3

Much love...x

Clouded Sunshine ⟨Markhyuck⟩ ||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now