■Chapter five■

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//tw: abusive behavior

Later that evening, Donghyuck had been dragged home and was berated by his mother for everything that took place a little while ago. "Didn't I say you are not to speak to anyone?"
Donghyuck nodded his head lowly, "..yes mommy, but I didn't speak to him!"

"Disobeying me and now talking back to me?" his mother hissed in question. Donghyuck shook his head rapidly, "n-no of course not. Donghyuck is mommy's good boy."

And that was all he remembered after he was shoved down the stairs, hitting his head and landing on his arm.

The next morning, Donghyuck had woken up on the couch with his arm in excruciating pain, it hurt to move it. He sat up and turned his head to his mother who was staring at him with a cheeky smile. He tried maneuvering his arm, but winced as there was no avail.

Using his other hand, he traced his temple with his forefingers, feeling the gauze taped underneath his hair. "No baby, don't move! You're injured," his mother stopped him, pushing him back to lay down onto the couch.

"Mommy, why is everything hurting?" Donghyuck asked, clueless.
"You fell and hurt yourself," his mother responded with a grin.
"Yes, again. Who are you to question your mother," she spat with her brows furrowing in anger.
"N-no I'm not mommy. I'm sorry," Donghyuck stammered and his mother relaxed her gaze.
"You're a clumsy boy my little Hyuckie." Donghyuck gave her a small smile as he laid there, unsure of what to do.

His stomach growled and his mother brought him over chicken noodle soup. (A/n: 😏) His mother slowly sat him up and fed him like the 'sick baby' he is.

His mother took him to the hospital after he finished eating. He was currently in one of the patient rooms as he was waiting for his results to come back from the x-ray he took.
The doctor told him he had a minor concussion and that his forearm was fractured. They casted his arm, swaddling it with a splint and gave his mother the medication he should be taking for any pain.

"There you go. It should take about four to six weeks to heal. Come back on your scheduled day to remove your cast and then you're all set," the doctor spoke assuringly.
"Ms. Lee, I need to speak with you outside," the doctor told her. Donghyuck was confused as he waited for his mother and the doctor to walk back inside his room. He tried to make out the words they were saying, but only could hear a couple words. "He's taking extra vitamins," he recognized his mother's voice.

'Extra vitamins? I don't remember me taking any...what is mommy talking about?' Donghyuck thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts when the door swung open and both adults came back inside.

"Donghyuck, are you okay? How are you feeling baby?" his mother asked sweetly and Donghyuck's perplexed face displayed in the light of the room.
"Donghyuck," the doctor firmly spoke, the said boy averting his eyes towards him. "Try not to do so much with your arm so it can heal, okay? You're discharged." Donghyuck nodded, giving a small thank you and his mother told him it was time to leave.

He trailed behind his mother, but was stopped when a hand got a hold of and clutched his shoulder, "Donghyuck." The said boy turned around to be met with the doctor's eyes. "Be careful. If you need anything, this is my information. Please call me immediately if anything happens....and I mean anything," the doctor spoke in a panicking, but urgent manner as he handed him his card.

'Dr. Moon' Donghyuck read. He was confused as to why the doctor looked so...concerned? Nonetheless he politely responded, "...thank you, Dr. Moon." The doctor gave a small smile before he left to go to the another patient's room, but glancing back to make sure Donghyuck was on his way.

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