■Chapter two■

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The sun was falling and Taeyong had arrived back home, holding each of the twins' hands. Mark slipped on his sneakers and informed Taeyong that he will be back home shortly. "Please be careful. It's getting dark out," Taeyong reminded him as Mark stepped out the door.

When he's not busy, Mark usually takes his evening strolls on the beach. Not many people are present during this time and he finds it peaceful, being able to clear his thoughts. Slipping off his sneakers and stuffing his socks into them, he let's his feet free in the sand as he carries his belongings. He walks along side the water as he let's the sounds of the waves drown him. Nothing could be heard, but the frequent shuffle of the tides.

Mark releases a deep sigh, shutting his eyes and lifting any excess weight off his shoulders. He can't stand worrying, though he finds himself constantly doing so. Tripping over a bag on the sand, he stretched out his hands and opened his eyes, catching himself before he made contact with the ground.

He hoisted himself back up, dusting the sand off his pants and wondering where that bag came from. Other bags and shoes were adjacent and Mark turned his head towards the water as he heard a voice. A voice so disembodied, if you do not search hard enough. A voice that sounded so angelic, yet desperate. A voice so monotonous, yet silvery.

"Oh tides please take me for I am weak. Take me for I am to be swept away in the midst of the evening. Take me for I shan't live any longer as my heart desires to be free," a voice flatly pleads.

Mark located a slim figure plodding towards the current of the waves. The water reached just below the figure's thighs. The person seemed to be in a trance and by the looks of it, he wasn't sure if it could be broken.

He didn't know why, but he felt the urge to stop the figure in the water. He wasn't sure what they were doing, but something in his mind was forcing him to do something or say something at the least.

"Excuse me," Mark called out to the figure, but no avail. Nobody else was nearby, leaving only him and the person in the water. "Excuse me," Mark repeated and still no access to a response, nor any aknowlegement as they continued moving forward.

Mark's patience was running out, disappearing into thin air. He was gradually becoming angry. Mark impatiently yelled out, startling the figure in the water. "You in the black shirt!"

The figure in the water paused and spun around on their heels, making their way towards the male. Mark examined the person's features as they stepped closer. He realized the figure was a male, but his face was covered in a mask. Now that he was out of the water, he reached for his belongings and stared at Mark, waiting for the other to speak.

Mark gazed into the male's eyes, searching. He didn't know what he was on a quest for, but that wasn't going to stop him from it. The boy was wearing long-sleeves and a mask in the summer, which the older male questioned. It was too hot to be wearing such a thing and yet here this boy was, sweating like there was no tomorrow. His hair was damp from the beads of sweat trickling down his forehead along side his cheeks.

After waiting a few seconds, the boy shook his head and removed his mask before he started to walk away.

"Wait don't go," Mark held the skinny wrist of the male. "And to what do you deserve the pleasure of my stay?" the boy responded sassily, looking back at Mark.
"I don't know. You just seem...different?" Mark replied, trying to come up with a phrase that doesn't sound disrespectful. He was just curious about the boy in front of him.

"By different, you presume odd? Peculiar? Skeptical?" the boy retorted with a jumble of questions and scoffed. "No that's not what I mean-" the other boy cut Mark off before he could back back himself up.

"Your perceptions and my perceptions are two separate categories. Therefore, you shall not coincide them with each other. Being 'different' does not identify who we truly are. It's how we handle the hardships and stumbles we face throughout our lifetime," the boy sat down and gazed into the sun-setting sky.

Silence overtook them and nothing was heard but the reverberated echo of the constant. It remained that way for a few minutes until Mark spoke up, "I hope I didn't-"

"Offend me? Indeed, you did. You don't even know me, but can I really blame you? No, not at all, for I blame thy self," he looked at Mark and stood up from the sand. Mark was speechless, he couldn't think of anything else to say. The other boy was so well spoken, so blunt. The words that rolled off his tongue were precise and sharp, resulting Mark at a loss for words.

The other boy chuckled, but it wasn't a sound that was joyful. "Lifetime is like the sun. For as each day passes, the sun itself slowly loses its hydrogen fuel, marking the end of its main sequence phase. Eventually it will cripple, turning into a dwarf that will soon explode. This concludes in the aftermath of a black hole, demolishing whatever is near. It's only a matter of time before that will happen to me," the boy flashed a dead smile, his eyes were empty.

Mark couldn't believe what he was hearing. The boy with disheveled, curly, light brown locks that rested behind his lower neck and blood shot eyes slipped on his shoes, taking his leave. Mark watched as the boy disappeared in the distance, leaving foot prints in the sand that end once its met with the pavement.

He was left and grazed in thought of the boy's previous words. He didn't know what it was, but something about that mysterious boy made Mark perplexed. He didn't know what to feel, nor what to do.

The way his eyes showed no hint of life and they were only solemn, so lifeless. He found himself intrigued, wanting to know more about him. But is that what he should be doing? Shouldn't he just let the boy be? He was only joking earlier...right?


Hmm any thoughts? This boy is vEry mySterioUs and I'm most certain you guys may know who it is..

Thank you for taking the time to read this chapter! I truly appreciate it! Please leave comments and a vote if you choose to do so.

I love your feedback and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! I would be glad to answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability!

Take care of yourselves.
Please stay safe, happy, and healthy♡

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