■Chapter nineteen■

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//tw: abusive behavior

"Nobody has left the house yet," Yuta informed Mark through his cell phone.
"Yeah, it's been like this all day. I thought you said he had an appointment?" Lucas asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"He was supposed to have one this morning so I don't know why no has left yet," Mark said as he was gathering his things and shoving them in a bag.
"Mark, he's late then. It's already the afternoon. I'm starving and I just want my goldfish." Lucas whined on the other side of the phone call.

Mark rolled his eyes, "Yuta, let me know if anything changes."
"Will do," Yuta hung up.

Mark was concerned at the moment. Donghyuck specifically told him that he had an appointment to take his cast off today, but hasn't left the house yet? Something isn't adding up. It's not making any sense.

The plan was supposed to take action as soon as Donghyuck arrived back home from his appointment. Did something happen to the younger?

Mark quickly slipped on his shoes and texted Jaehyun to meet by Donghyuck's house. WinWin and Jungwoo were watching his younger siblings as Mark and Taeyong hopped in the car.

"Tae...something isn't right," Mark admitted, fiddling with his fingers.
"What do you mean?" His older brother asked, keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him.
"We might have to go with plan B" Mark said, making sure to inform the others.


Taeil finished his last patient and quickly made his way to his office to remove his white coat and badge. It was now in the middle of the afternoon, the weather was turning and rain was pouring.

He grabbed his keys and phone. He hurriedly made his way to the front desk.
"I'm checking out for the day, Yeri. Get home safe," Taeil spoke in a rushing manner and exited the hospital before Yeri could give a response.

The rain completely drenched his clothes as he ran to his car. He reached for the napkins in the glove compartment and dried his face. He started the car and headed towards his house.

His mind often drifted to the possibilities of what could have happened to the fragile boy. Donghyuck never showed up to his appointment and he was more than worried.


"Wake up," Donghyuck's mother spoke harshly as she pulled his hair. Donghyuck squinted his eyes as the back of his head was in pain and he was sensitive to the lighting.
"Good morning, mommy! Why is Donghyuck here?" Even though he was in pain, he tried to put on an act.

Maybe if he acts and plays stupid, she'll let him go. But that wasn't going to happen as she crouched down to his level again, meeting his orbs.
"Three hours have passed. Are you ready to tell me the truth?"

"What is mommy talking about?" Donghyuck responded, acting clueless. His mother shook her head in disbelief, with a grin cracked on her face.
"This is how you're going to treat your mother? The person who gave you life?!"

'I never asked to be born. Last time I checked, you couldn't control your damn hormones and decided to pop me out'

She smacked his face once again, this time on the other cheek. Donghyuck spat out blood, since the smack cut his mouth.
"Donghyuck doesn't know what mommy is talking about," he scoffed.

"You're really pushing my limits," His mother warning as she got up, grabbing a needle and hammer from the bag she had brought down with her. Donghyuck internally panicked.

"You're just like your father," she said as she slowly stepped closer to him, his back now against the wall. Donghyuck's ears perked up at the mention of his father's name, but tried his best to hide it.
"You weren't going to tell me how you're going to escape this 'hell hole' now weren't you?"

Donghyuck gulped and shook his head, "Donghyuck isn't sure what mommy is talking abo-"

"Enough!" Donghyuck's mother shouted, causing the room to echo.

"I'm not stupid Donghyuck. Did you really think I was going to let you leave to the store two days prior without any attachments of me keeping track on you?" She questioned him, rubbing the side of the syringe against the thin boy's swollen cheek.

"I implanted a chip imbedded with a microphone into your outfit that day and I heard everything. You think you're slick, don't you? Trying to escape me. You'll never escape me," she scowelled.
"Oh and I didn't think you would be gay," she said in disgust.

"So what if I'm gay? Whether I escape or die here is fine by me. As long as I'm not connected to a bitch like you, I'll be as happy as ever," Donghyuck retorted.
"Ahh, so he can speak normally. Well guess what, you better hope I don't get my hands on that precious boy of yours," she responded.

"Touch him and I swear-"

"What are you going to do exactly? Last time I checked, you're locked up down here and you're weak. Such a shame, don't you think?" she sarcastically spoke.
"You're a poor excuse of a mother," Donghyuck shot back with fierce eyes and she only chuckled.

She raised the hammer in her hand, getting ready to plunge it against his skin, until obnoxious knocks began. The knocked resonated through the entire house, being able to hear it from the basement as well.

She moved away from the boy and got up to go up the stairs, "Don't make a peep or you won't be seeing your friend live anymore."


Damn Donghyuck's mother in this story gets on my nerves XD

Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed!

Please stay safe, happy, and healthy <3

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