■Chapter twenty five■

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After the boys had finished dinner, the boys went up to Taeyong's room since the said boy suggested that they'd sleep in his room tonight while he sleeps in Mark's. Mark had thanked his older brother and now the two boys were sitting on Taeyong's bed, Mark's hoodie that Donghyuck is wearing was past his thighs. Mark internally cooed at the cute boy in front of him.

"Lay down," Mark demanded kindly and the younger did so, hiding his body under the covers. Mark grabbed one of Taeyong's extra pillows and set it on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Donghyuck asked.
"I'm going to sleep here for tonight so that you can be more comfortable," Mark smiled, grabbing a spare blanket from the closet.

"Share with me," Donghyuck insisted and Mark tilted his head.
"I don't think you'd want to sleep on the floor," Mark giggled and Donghyuck rolled his eyes.

"I was right, you really aren't the smartest."

Mark scoffed and pouted his lips, "Hey!"
"I meant the bed, dumb dumb. Come share with me on the bed," Donghyuck suggested and Mark picked up the pillow from the ground and placed it on the bed.

"You sure? Because I really have no problem with sleeping down there," Mark asked again to make sure the younger was okay with this. He doesn't want the boy to feel uncomfortable or feel forced to do something he doesn't want to.

"Yeah, now shut up and get in," Donghyuck lifted the covers as Mark slid inside. Silence filled the room, Mark thinking the younger male had feel asleep.

Donghyuck subconsciously threw his leg over Mark's waist and his arm around Mark's shoulders as he buried his face on the older's chest. Mark's heart stopped for a few seconds. He played with the younger's hair until he himself fell asleep.


It was the next day in the afternoon. Donghyuck was introduced to Mark's siblings during breakfast this morning. The younger thought Mark's youngest siblings were adorable.

The door bell emitted through the house and Mark got up from the couch, where he was watching a movie with the younger, to check the door.

He opened the door and saw Taeil standing outside of it. He invited the older man inside.
"Good afternoon, Mark. I actually came here to speak with Donghyuck if he doesn't mind," Taeil had nervously spoken as Donghyuck whipped his head around to see the male upon hearing his name.

Because Mark trusts the man since he's known him their whole life, Mark let him into the living room to take a seat on the chair beside the couch as Mark sat back down next to Donghyuck.

"Is it about my appointment, doctor? I'm sorry, I really didn't have any control over that," Donghyuck apologized and Taeil shook his head.
"Drop the formalities, all of you. You can call me Taeil. And no, I understand completely. I actually came here to clear some things up about a topic relating," Taeil announced.

The boys listened very carefully for what Taeil was about to tell them and when they heard what came out of his mouth, they couldn't believe it, mainly Donghyuck.

"What do you mean she killed my father? My father is still out there. I know he is," Donghyuck muttered, tears threatening to spill as Mark placed a hand over his.

"I'm so sorry, Donghyuck. I couldn't do anything to stop it and neither could he because he kept hoping that one day, your mother would change her ways," Taeil stated, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"You said he was your brother, so that makes you Donghyuck's uncle?" Mark questioned the man who nodded in response.

Taeil had just broke the new to Donghyuck about the death of his father. How his mother drugged him every single day with strong chemicals, resulting him in an overdose. How she continued to do this, impaling his father with needles in his father's temple, which could kill a person faster because it's closer to the brain and bloodstream.

How she was practically on her way to doing that to Donghyuck himself. Donghyuck cried. He knew his mother was horrible, but he didn't know she would go to such an atrocious extent. Killing his father because of her own addiction, her own sickness. And his father was too afraid to do anything about it because if she wouldn't inject him, she would inject herself.

He wouldn't let that happen as she was pregnant with Donghyuck in her tummy at the time. Each time Taeil had visited his brother or seen him around, the man was getting weaker by the minute and it was only a matter of time before he passed. It hurt Taeil because no matter how many times he tried to drain all the bad drugs from his brother at the hospital, the next day he would be injected with twice the amount.

Donghyuck's mother called the ambulance as her husband had never woken up one day. She laughed once his body had been taken away and the authorities pronounced the body dead. They had questioned his mother for any possible reasons for his passing and Donghyuck's mother had lied to them, saying he died because he overdosed.

Meanwhile, it was her who killed him, who murdered him with her own hands. Donghyuck balled his fists as tears kept escaping his eyes. He was angry.

"It's okay, Haechan. Please try to calm down," Mark spoke gently and the younger snapped.
"Calm down? Calm down?! How the hell am I supposed to calm down after hearing such a thing!"

Donghyuck realized his change in voice and paused for a few seconds. He doesn't want the twins upstairs to hear anything that was happening.

"I-I I'm so sorry. This shouldn't have ever happened. She should have just injected herself, that way I'd die with her. S-she didn't have to kill an innocent person. I'd rather be the one dead not him!" Donghyuck sobbed and Mark pulled him closer to his body, engulfing his arms around him.

"Don't say such a thing! I know you feel terrible, Donghyuck but please. Think on the bright side. Your father is in a better place right now and your mother is behind bars in jaill," Mark caressed the younger's back who continued to cry on Mark's chest which was soaking the older's shirt but he didn't care.

"I feel like the world is against me," Donghyuck looked up at Mark.
"It's not. Things happen for a reason and I know it sucks but that's just how life works," Mark reminded and kissed the boy's forehead.

"She's been sentenced life in prison for murder and abuse and will also be attending a mental institution," Taeil had informed the both them and Donghyuck nodded, pulling himself away with his red, tear stained cheeks.

"You're my only biological family left...you won't leave me too, right?" Donghyuck's lips trembled, his eyes spilling hot tears.
"I'm not going anywhere," Taeil cried and Donghyuck reluctantly ran up to the man and sat on his lap, wrapping his arms around his neck. The man rocked his nephew back and forth, comforting the younger boy.

Mark looked up at the ceiling, trying to keep his tears in check as the emotional scene in front of him was taking place. Donghyuck has been through so much and he just wants the younger to be happy. He wants to help blow away and get rid of the clouds that are blocking his ray of sunshine, his happiness.


Not me crying while writing this 😭

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading!

It's so late omg. It's 3AM, hopefully you guys are resting well!

Please stay safe, happy, and healthy<3
Much love...xx

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