■Chapter six■

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Mark had been speaking for the past ten minutes about the mysterious boy he encountered at the beach and at the store. "Each time I see him, he looks like he's getting weaker and weaker. His hands were even bloody yesterday! Well, they were bandaged up, but still. You could see it."

Both Taeyong and Jisung nodded their head as Mark continued. "His eyes. It's like they're trying to speak to me. I don't know what's going on. I'm not sure how I should be reacting."
"Do you think he's trying to send you a message?" Jisung asked.
"Possibly? I don't even know," Mark honestly answered.

"From what you have been describing, he may be indirectly trying to tell you something. He only spoke normally with you at the beach right?" Taeyong spoke in question.
"Yeah, it was weird. His whole demeanor changed yesterday from the other time I saw him. He even looks afraid," Mark responded.
"Afraid of what though? Do you have any idea?" Jisung inquired and Mark shook his head.

Mark's face suddenly went pale, leaving his brothers terrified. "Mark what? What's wrong?" Taeyong questioned as he rubbed Mark's back again.
"You don't think his mother hurts him, do you?" Mark asked while stuttering. Taeyong's expressions completely changed to being worried and angry. "She better not be," Taeyong gritted his teeth together, quickly regaining himself as he didn't want to lose his cool in front of his brothers.

If it's one thing that Taeyong despises the most, it would be and always will be abusive parents. Of course he didn't like other things as well, but this was the main one since he knows what it's like to experience such a horrible thing and he was grateful that his younger siblings didn't have to go through anything like he did.

"Tae...I'm scared for him. I want to protect him. I know something's wrong, I can feel it," Mark said, his voice filled with worry.
"We'll try our best to find him and help him, I promise," Taeyomg reassured his younger brother as Jisung nodded his head in agreement.
"Next time you see him, try to speak with him more," Jisung said.

"What if his mother is around? I kid you not that woman looks scary," Mark claimed.
"If his mother is around and he's still acting like that, than it's definite that she has something to do with it," Taeyong answered while Mark put his finger to his chin, smiling.
"I have some connections around here. I'm sure they'd be able to help us find him."

Taeyong and Jisung exchanged concerned looks. "Relax, I'm not in a gang or anything," Mark playfully scoffed as the other boys eyed him carefully.
"Guys I'm serious! I'm talking about a friend of mine," Mark defended as the other two sighed in relief. Taeyong rolled his eyes at him, slapping both of their heads.
"Ow, why me? What did I do?" Jisung whined, rubbing his forehead and Taeyong shrugged with a grin.

"So how are we going to do this?" Jisung inquired, still unsure of the plan.
"We're going to find out where he lives first. So in order to do that, I know just the right person who could help us with that information," Mark said, taking out his phone.
"Are you really asking who I think you're asking?" Taeyong interrogated his brother and Mark nodded, whipping out his phone.

Hey, is your brother working tomorrow?

What the hell Mark?
Are you trying to hook up with my older brother?!

Ew! What?! No!

Stop texting him you disheveled watermelon before I beat you with my butter sock.
We're cuddling :)
-love, Lucas xx

Dude really- I know you're not talking to me, you dinosaur molester!
Anyways, just answer my question please

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