■Chapter twelve■

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//tw: mentions of rape and a bit of unconsensual touching

Taeyong had arrived home from his shift at work and headed to the bathroom to wash up. He leaned his head over the sink and let the water run from the faucet. He cupped the cold water and splashed his face with his hands. He ran his hands through his hair a few times before turning the water off. Having one hand on the knob of the faucet and the other holding himself up from the sink, he stared at his reflection in the mirror. 

'Disgusting.' he though as tears were brimming in his eyes.

He felt so disgusted with himself. He stripped off his clothes and turned the shower on, stepping in once he was fully naked.  He made sure to scrub every inch of his body as he could still feel the man's touch from earlier events. 

"Come on, I just want to play~" the drunk man slurred at his job. The man had walked into the bar very troubled and Taeyong was just being nice enough to comfort him since there weren't many tables he needed to cater today. No one should have to go through anything alone, but in this case it was a mistake. 

The man kept drinking his pain away, which gets you no where. You'll just wake up the next morning and relive your pain again if you keep trying to run from it. So it's best to just face it head on and that is what Taeyong kept trying to remind the man who looked to be in their mid thirties. 

"Sir, I need you to stop drinking. Do you have any money for a ride home?" Taeyong politely asked as the drunken man smirked.

"Why? D-do you want to go home with me~" slurring his words, the man started rubbing his palm on Taeyong's arm which caused the boy to shudder at the uncomfortable feeling. He pushed his hand off, "Sir, I'll call you an uber. You're drunk." Well that was not a wise choice in words as the man harshly grabbed Taeyong's arm, his face now in front of the other's. 

"W-who are you calling drunk~" the alcohol of the man's breath invading Taeyong's nose, causing him to scrunch his face and try to release himself from the man's grip. 

"That's not what I meant. You need to go home sir, we are closing soon," Taeyong reminded, trying to stay calm as he struggled in the man's grasp.

"I just want to play~" the man responded, now moving his other hand to slid it against Taeyong's chest and down to his stomach as the boy squirmed at his touch. Sliding his hands underneath the waiter's shirt and kissing his neck, Taeyong tried his best to push him off with as much force as he could, but no avail. The bar was nearly empty and the workers were cleaning up in the kitchen area. 

"S-sir, please. It is t-time for you to l-leave," Taeyong spluttered as the man's hold was now around his neck, tightening. "Leave w-with me~" remarked the man as his started to unzip his pants. Why isn't anyone hearing what's going on? Where is everybody? Taeyong felt like he was in some type of horror story that everything that was happening was so coincidental, he can't seem to escape it.

Searching for the right timing as the man opened his legs, Taeyong took the chance to kick him in his oh so precious area and ran to the kitchen, where the other workers were. "Damn, what happened to you?" questioned one of his coworkers, Ten. Taeyong's hair was disheveled and his uniform was no longer proportioned and was wrinkled as his face was flushed in fury and disgust. 

Fixing his hair and uniform, Taeyong shook his head, "Nothing." And with that, Taeyong gathered his belongings and changed out of his uniform into his regular clothes. He bid his goodbyes to his coworkers who replied but stared in confusion and left the kitchen area. 

Taeyong found the man who tried to rape him unconscious on the floor. He must have fell asleep after everything and Taeyong pulled out his phone to call an uber for the man. He knows the man was intoxicated and didn't mean anything wrong towards him. He still felt bad for him, despite everything. After that, he made his way to his car and drove off. 

Getting dressed after his shower, Taeyong reached out for the door and plastered a smile on his face before opening it. He doesn't want his siblings to see him like this. Ha-young and Hee-young came running into his arms as he lifted them both up, planting kisses on each of their heads, "Mama Taeyongie!"

"Hi, my princesses. Want to help me make dinner?" he asked them, sounding as enthusiastic as he possibly could and the girls cheered eagerly. They ran out of his arms and ran down the stairs. "Last one there has to eat a ketchup by itself!" Hee-young said as they made their way to the kitchen. Taeyong watched them with a smile and took a deep breath before going down. 

'I'm doing this for them'

-🌻 -

I thought you guys would like a Taeyong chapter since we know a little about him. Hopefully, you have more of an input on him!

This may seem unnecessary, but I promise you it has a lot to do with the story as it plays an important role.

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