■Chapter twenty six■

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//tw: mentions of abuse

A few weeks had passed since everything has happened. Lucas and Yuta were rewarded with their goldfish. Jaehyun had been keeping tabs on Ms. Lee every now and then when he gets the chance.

Jisung and the twins were still as chaotic as before. Taeyong has been working, but made time for tonight to speak with Mark about his past. He feels the younger deserves every right to know.

Donghyuck was now living with his uncle, Moon Taeil also Mark's neighbor. Donghyuck was hesitant at first, but nonetheless chose to live with him. He's the only family he had left and besides, Mark who was right next door.

Taeil has been taking care of Donghyuck very well and feeding him till he's full since the poor boy barely eats. Taeil has also treated the wounds and bruises on Donghyuck's arms from when his mother used to inject him and hurt him. The perks of having a family member as a doctor.

Since a few weeks had passed, he's been drug free. Donghyuck felt much cleaner, more alive than before. Although, he has his days where he feels like he doesn't belong on this world. Taeil, being the professional doctor he is, has diagnosed the curly haired male with depression and has been helping with his treatment in that as well.

It will take time, but Donghyuck will improve slowly but surely. Taeil has been spoiling him as well because the teeager deserves everything. And the young boy has always reminded Taeil of something everyday.

"I don't need all the money in the world, I'm just appreciative and want your love. That's all I need," Donghyuck had spoken while sitting on the steps in his Taeil's house, his new home.

"And you have it, my baby pudu," Taeil responded opening his arms for the younger to jump in. The younger's arms circling around the man's neck as he is taller.

They pulled away after a few moments and Donghyuck fiddled with his sweater paws.
"Are you busy?" Donghyuck shyly asked. He's not used to having someone who truly and deeply cares about him other than Mark.

"No, I got out of work early to spend some time with you," Taeil smiled as he informed the younger, watching Donghyuck's face light up in excitement.
"Really?! I-I mean, really? That's good," Donghyuck tried to keep his cool, clearing his throat as his uncle giggled.

Taeil hummed in response and asked the boy what he would like to do for the day. They haven't done anything out of the house besides going to Mark's home since he's right next door because the younger boy wasn't comfortable to leave the house just yet.

But today was different, he wanted to go out and spend time with his family.
"Can we go out today?" Donghyuck looked away while clutching his sleeves and Taeil's smile grew wider.

"Of course. Do you have a place in mind?" Taeil asked and Donghyuck shook his head.
"It doesn't matter to me."

"How about we get ice cream and watch a movie?" Taeil suggested and Donghyuck bounced with eager, spewing out little 'yes'' in between. Donghyuck skipped to the door, the sleeves of Mark's green sweater he stole...well never returned, dragging across the floor.


"Mark, did you know that your dad is not my biological father?" Taeyong questioned the younger as they sat on his bed. Their younger siblings were already asleep as it was past ten.

Mark shook his head, "No, I didn't. Your guy's relationship looked weird to me though." Taeyong smiled slightly, "It is weird indeed."

"Before you were born, mom had divorced my biological father because he was a terrible alcoholic. She couldn't deal with it anymore as he would often get violent. He would try to hit me, but mom made sure to protect me and get in the way. When he'd go after her, I tried protecting her as well. We were the only ones we trusted in the house," Taeyong leaned back against the headboard, reminiscing.

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