■Chapter twenty■

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It was raining cats and dogs, making it hard to see the road ahead of them clearly. But Taeyong had it under control, he's driven in worse weather before. They finally arrived in front of Donghyuck's house and Jaehyun's police car was parked a few houses down.

Yuta and Lucas were seeking shelter in a phone booth because of the rain. Jaehyun stood in front of them, holding up an umbrella and handing them two spare ones.

They had told Mark while he was on his way there about hearing strange yelling and banging coming from Donghyuck's house. Mark made sure to pass the message to Jaehyun, since he can take legal action about noise complaints being stirred. He was terrified for what the younger fragile boy might be facing inside. And little did he know, the younger was going through hell.

"Thank you," Lucas and Yuta said with a slight bow, since there wasn't enough room to do a full one.
"Anytime. You guys are aware of the plan change, correct?" Jaehyun had asked and both boys nodded their heads.

And now some may be asking. Since Jaehyun is the head chief officer of their town, why hasn't he arrested Donghyuck's mother when he first heard about the situation from Mark?

Well the answer to that is because Jaehyun can not do anything about the situation unless there's proof of it. He can not stand by assumptions that are being made. It was the law that had recently been established in their town.

Too many cases had been coming in with assumptions upon assumptions with many different topics. It has gotten out of hand and each time Jaehyun or any of the other officers would go out to investigate, it always turned out to be a lie.

A lie of some sort because somebody wanted revenge on someone else. And of course, they received penalties and lawsuits for it once they were caught. But there were so many, that the serious and important cases were being pushed behind.

It had gotten out of hand that the governor of the state had the law changed as fast as they can. Too many lives were at stake, being risked and too many people were being injured. It was the only way to keep the citizens of their town safe.

There has to be at least one piece of solid evidence that the police force can verify. Without it, nothing can be done because of all the false allegations in the past.

Jaehyun has always disliked the amendment in the law and has never agreed with the legislative decisions on this matter. What if the victim of the case happened to be telling the truth and couldn't come up with evidence because something or someone was keeping them from doing so?

What if there was no way for the victim to display their evidence to the authorities because their could be possible consequences that could get them hurt or killed? What if someone else was reporting a case that someone else is going through because there has been too many suspicious acts upon the victim?

It isn't fair. It should have stayed the same. It can get aggravating when so many insignificant cases pop up in the precinct, but judging all the past cases and believing that's how it will always be shouldn't be constitutional. That is taking away the rights of the citizens in the state itself.

But then the saying always comes back. 'There's always that one person or bunch of  people to ruin it for everyone else.' Jaehyun loves his job. He loves that he is able to help and protect the citizens of the town so that they are safe.

In Donghyuck's case, Jaehyun is only doing the favor since Mark is a close friend. Very little to no one in his precinct knows about it. But even if they did, Jaehyun is the chief. He has power over them. But if word gets out to the state governor, he can be in big trouble and may even lose his job. But it wouldn't be Jaehyun if he weren't taking risks.

That was the beginning though, now he actually has some type of evidence he can use to pull through with this case. After Mark had showed the pictures of Donghyuck's bruised arms, which he took without the younger noticing at the beach, he decided to help, even though he was going to do so either way.

Jaehyun believes Mark is a very trusting teenager and he wouldn't make something like this up and involve in family and friends in it.

Originally, the plan was to get Donghyuck's blood work results from the hospital and use that as a bonus against his mother. Mark had informed Jaehyun about Taeil being the doctor at the hospital who treated Donghyuck's fractured arm and that he lives right next door to him, but of course Jaehyun knew that because he knows where everyone lives around the town.

He could probably name each and every household...okay he may be over exaggerating a little bit. He does have everyone that lives in this town in the data base, but he doesn't have the homes memorized. But the only reason he knows that Taeil lives next door to them, as well as their other neighbors around them is because of a specific boy with animated features.

Nobody knows that he knows this though and nobody needs to. He convinces himself that it's just to protect the doll like boy and his family since he's known them for so long, but there may be another reason. Perhaps, the reason of being head over heals for the older male.

But since Donghyuck has apparently never left his house, their plans had abruptly changed. Luckily, they went over multiple different ones if one of the others happened to fail in some unexplainable circumstance.

Jaehyun was currently standing outside Donghyuck's front door with a black umbrella in his hand and his officer uniform, which kept a bulletproof vest underneath and his badge pinned on his chest.

He took one look back at Taeyong and Mark in the car and gave them a nod with a confident smile. He turned back and raised his hand, knuckles meeting contact with the door.

No response.

He opened his fists and started banging on the door with his palms, awaiting for the door to swing open. A few minutes later and not much to his surprise, the door creaked open, revealing a woman who looked to be about in their mid forties. Very few wrinkles on her face with a scar on the side of her neck and her figure was slim.

She opened the door fully, realizing it was an officer who had been knocking on the door the entire time. Chills ran down her spine as Jaehyun stared at her with a deadly glare, but his eyes were contradicted with sweet smile formed on his lips.

"Good afternoon, is this the Lee residence?" Jaehyun greeted with a joyfully fake tone, observing the woman's features for anything out of the ordinary.


Oh snap,
I'd totally be intimidated by Jaehyun right now...

Damn this was literally all over the place I'm sorry :/

I hope you enjoyed it though! Thank you so much for reading. This story is coming to an end very shortly. My plan is to finish this story by the end of this week! Maybe the beginning of next week if I'm not able to!

Please stay safe, happy, and healthy <3

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