■Chapter twenty three■

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(a/n: why am I just now seeing this photo- )

Donghyuck's mother slammed the hammer with all her might, but to her dismay, Mark ducked before it made contact with him. She ended up stumbling forward, tripping on her on feet because of how much force she used.

She fell in front of Donghyuck, the hammer still in her hands. Swiftly, Mark grabbed the hammer from her hands.
"Jaehyun!!" Mark shouted through the house, wondering why the officer wasn't down here yet.

The hammer in his hands, Donghyuck's mother stood up and shoved Mark into the corner. "Minhyung!" Donghyuck called out, worriedly. The said boy winced as his elbow scraped against the wood, but gently pushed the woman back on the ground. What a gentleman.

Mark used the back of the hammer to break Donghyuck's wrists free from the chains as the boy's mother pushed herself up from her fall. Someone came running down the stairs and Mark thought it was their chief officer friend, but it wasn't.

"Mr. Moon?!" Mark asked in confusion, holding the weak boy to his chest as the younger slumped his head on the older's shoulder. He was weak. He hasn't eaten food since yesterday afternoon and although Donghyuck is used to it, his body still reacts in a frail state. 

"Donghyuck are you okay?" Taeil lunged towards them, reaching his hand to pat Donghyuck's back but he boy snuggled himself further into Mark, pushing himself away from the man.

Taeil didn't take it to heart at all. Why would you let some random doctor, a stranger at that, touch you anyway? He doesn't blame the young boy, but he hopes the younger will realize that he's not just some unfamiliar creep.

"Mark take Donghyuck, I'll deal with her," Taeil scowled, glaring towards the woman who now regained her balance. Mark complied and hoisted Donghyuck up, bridal style and took him up the stairs.

He was met with a drenched Jaehyun running through the door, his uniform sticking to his body.
"Where is she?" He questioned Mark and the said boy pointed towards the closet.
"Thanks, take him to Taeyong and stay in the car," the officer ordered.

Jaehyun ran down the stairs and into the basement. He had been back and forth inside the house, gathering the evidence of pills and needles he's found in the woman's bedroom and bathroom cabinets. He had to report it to the evidential team, which would be there in a little while.

"How could you do this to an innocent boy?! Your son at that!" Jaehyun heard as he finally made it down. He saw Mr. Moon fuming in anger as the woman had a smirk plastered on her face.

"I don't care, he's my kid. I can do what I want. He can end up like your brother as well, if I so choose to. Oh, how is he by the way? I heard it's freezing and lonely down there in the grave," the woman sassed, making sure to whisper the last word sharply as Taeil balled his fists and was about to charge forward before Jaehyun stepped in.

He placed both hands on the smaller's shoulders to try and calm him down. "Relax, Mr. Moon. I'll take it from here," Jaehyun instructed, not noticing the criminal getting away.

Once Taeil finally regained his computer the officer turned around, seeing that the woman was gone. He cursed out loud and ran after her outside.


Taeyong watched his younger brother carry the boy he's been worried about to the car. He hurried over to the back seat and opened the door for them. Mark gently placed Donghyuck inside the car and closed the door.

"Mark, your arm is bleeding!" Taeyong pointed out, grabbing his arm which was gushing out blood from his scraped elbow.
"It's okay, the rain will wash it away," Mark giggled, but Taeyong wasn't having it.

"That bitch hurt my baby?!" Taeyong furiously yelled above the pouring rain and Mark can see the smoke coming from his older brother's ears. Mark put his hands up,
"Tae, I'm okay don't worry."

"No way! No one hurts my baby and gets away with it," Taeyong swatted his younger brother's hands down and stomped towards Donghyuck's house, leaving a Mark trying to convince his brother not to go behind.

Ignoring the boy, he continued to make his way and to his surprise, the woman had jogged out of the house. He plowed towards the woman and tackled her on the hard concrete, which was slippery from the rain. Yuta and Lucas, who were going to get a hold of the woman, backed off since Taeyong got to her first.

"How dare you lay a finger on my babies!" Taeyong pinned her arms above her head and slapped her across the face. He slapped her once again, "That's for what a terrible parent you are!"

Taeyong seemed to get lost in the moment as he was holding the woman down. Memories flooded through his brain, images of his own parents. Taeyong gritted his teeth. Why are there such horrible parents in the world? Why have children if you're going to treat them so poorly?

Raising his hand once more, his hand was caught. Taeyong snapped his head back to see Jaehyun's hand wrapped around his.
"That's enough, Tae."

He carefully pulled Taeyong up who huffed because he still wanted to beat the living crap out of the woman for hurting his babies and just to vent out his own anger. He probably shouldn't do that because he can't blame anyone but himself for how his life own turned out.

But he was confident in making sure his siblings wouldn't have to go through such a thing and here he is now. He failed them. He still blames himself.

The woman laid there on the ground, rubbing her cheek from the pain, rain splashing on her face. Jaehyun bent down and sat the woman up, placing her arms behind her back to cuff her wrists.
"You are under arrest and have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you," Jaehyun recited the Miranda warning, dragging her along to his police car.


Momma Taeyongie ain't having it. No one dare hurts his babies

I didn't say it the last chapter, but you guys were correct haha it was Taeil

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading!!

Much love...xx

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