■Chapter one■

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The sixth of June....
The sound of the bell resonated through the hallways. Students tossed their belongings in the air, in celebration for the last day of school finally being over. Junior year has ended and Mark couldn't be happier. The entire school year has been stressful and now that it's done, he feels less anxious.

He stood with his younger brother, Jisung who is two years younger, at their lockers as he bid his farewells with his closest friends and made plans to hang out through summer break. "I'll see you shit heads later," Yuta said while throwing his backpack over his shoulder. Rolling his eyes, WinWin scoffed, "Wait for me or you're not getting any cuddles tonight!" That automatically made Yuta stop in his tracks and clinged onto WinWin's arm.

Laughing, everybody waved goodbye to them as now it were only Mark, Jisung, Lucas, and Jungwoo left. Both Lucas and Jungwoo took their leave as well, leaving Mark to wait for his brother to clean out his locker.

"Hurry up will you? If I stay here any longer, I might go insane," Mark told him, impatiently leaning against his locker. "You're already insane so don't rush me. Learn to have patience," Jisung retorted, slamming his locker shut after grabbing his last book.

"I am patient!" Mark defended and Jisung let out a laugh. "Whatever you say," Jisung said as Mark grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the school building.

They stroll home didn't take the two long being that they live a few blocks away from their school. Walking through the front door, they were met with their older brother making lunch in the kitchen. "Eat up you two I made sandwiches," their oldest brother, Taeyong had told them.

"Yes! Thank you!" Both boys were starving and didn't eat lunch, since they had an early dismissal from school. They fought over the kitchen sink to wash their hands and dug in. Taeyong smiled at the two as they stuffed their faces. "Slow down slobs, Ha-young eats cleaner than you."

Ha-young and Hee-young were their five year old twin sisters. Their parents were always out of state for business trips, so Taeyong would take on the parent role while they were away. He takes his college courses online, so that he'd be able to look after them. Now that school is out for the summer, he can go to work again. "So you're saying Hee-young is sloppy?" Jisung dramatically gasps, which resulted in him choking on his sandwich.

Mark laughed at his younger brother, leaning over the counter. "Mark don't just stand there and laugh at him!" Taeyong rushed over to grab a water bottle for Jisung. Once Jisung gulped down the water, he glared at Mark. "I'll remember that."

"Oh come on. If you were choking to the point where you were dying I'd help," Mark claimed, putting his dish in the sink. Jisung just have him a sarcastic 'sure' look.

"Both of you, enough already. I have to pick up our sisters and you better not kill each other by the time I get back or I swear I'll revive you and kill you myself," Taeyong informed both his brothers in which they responded in unison.

They have a pretty big family living in a two story house. The upstairs are where the bedrooms are at. There's four to be exact, their parents master bedroom, which they barely use, Mark and Jisung's shared bedroom, the twin's shared bedroom, and Taeyong's room. Two bathrooms with showers and one bathroom that was downstairs which doesn't have one.

The rest of the downstairs was where everything else was at, the kitchen, the dinning room, the living room. It wasn't too small, but it wasn't big either, it was just enough for the five, occasionally seven if their parents were home, of them to live in.


Donghyuck had finished his last assignment on his computer and leaned back in his chair. "Finally, summer break," he sighed in relief as he got up to go in the living room. His mother was not home since she was working. He walked up to the paper on the fridge, where his mother keeps a list of reminders:

Be mommy's good boy and...
-Take medicine for your fever
-Do the dishes
-Clean the laundry
-Cook dinner

Donghyuck finished skimming through the list and got to work. He has nothing better to do anyway. He doesn't have a TV or phone because his mother says 'it will damage your brain more than it already is.' Insulting, isn't it? The only reason why Donghyuck had a computer, was for school and now that school is over, she will be taking it away from him.

Donghyuck had taken his medicine this morning. He needed to get some condiments for dinner before his mother arrived home. With his hair messy, he put his face mask on and sneakers. He snatched the money that his mother left for him on the table just in case and head out the door.

Now that he was older, he was able to leave the house more, but only for groceries. The only other time he is allowed to go out is if his mother was with him.

Arriving at the store felt longer than usual since it was scorching outside. He was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and loose blue jeans. "Good evening," the woman at the cart distribution spoke. Donghyuck nodded and gave a small reply.

His mother doesn't want him speaking with anyone that wasn't her because she is worried that someone might deceive him. 'Mommy said there are a lot of bad people in the world and that I should not trust anyone' he reminded himself. 'Donghyuck is mommy's good boy,' he told himself silently as he made his way through the store to grab the items he needed and paid.

Leaving the store, pain striked through his ears, making it's way to his head. Dropping the shopping bags, Donghyuck winced as he lifted both of his hands and pushed them against his ears, crouching down in pain. "Right on time," Donghyuck spoke after squeezing his eyes shut and finally opening them after a few seconds with a dead smile. He stood up, relieved from the pain, as if nothing even happened. People around the area eyed him in curiosity and in disturbance as they tried to keep their distance.

This isn't the first time this has happened and certainly isn't the last.


Hmmm what are you guys thinking? Any thoughts?

I hope you're having an amazing day/night!
Please stay safe and take care of yourselves! It's very important

Clouded Sunshine ⟨Markhyuck⟩ ||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now