■Chapter eight■

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Mark paused for a second. He doesn't know the boy's last name, so how is he going to figure out where he lives? "His name is Donghyuck, I uh- I don't know his last name," Mark scratched his head. "That's okay, we have pictures in our database. Come take a look to see if any of them look familiar," Jaehyun told him.

Mark made his way behind the desk to scroll through the numerous photos. Who knew their would be so many Donghyuck's in the town? Okay, Mark was exaggerating a bit, there's only three. One of them was in his late sixties, the other was in his early forties, and the last one was in his teens. "This one, Lee Donghyuck," Mark said as he look at Donghyuck's photo in awe.

Despite the marks and scratches he had in his photo, Mark though he was beautiful. Jaehyun smirked at Mark before speaking up again, "Okay, let me open his file."

Capturing Donghyuck's address in his phone, he thanked his friend's brother. "Anytime, if anything happens, call me immediately," Jaehyun demanded in a calm manner.
"Will do. Tell Jungwoo I said hello," Mark responded as him and Taeyong were leaving.

Jaehyun grabbed Taeyong's hand and spoke lowly, "Don't forget your promise, Tae." The older looked at their locked hands, blushing while he nodded.
 "I won't," he responded as Mark eyed them suspiciously. Jaehyun smiled, his dimples engraved in his cheeks. "Good," he said before placing a gentle kiss on the older's hand, holding it ever so delicately.

If Taeyong's face wasn't already red, it surely was now. His cheeks were crimson as his body was burning up. Releasing from the younger's grasp, Taeyong scurried out the door and made his way out behind Mark.

In the car, Taeyong typed Donghyuck's address in the GPS before driving away. Silence filled the atmosphere of the car. "So what's with you and Jaehyun?" Mark broke the silence, eyeing his brother who abruptly slammed the brakes in order to stop at the red light ahead of them. Luckily for them, they were wearing their seatbelts to prevent them from hitting themselves on the dashboard (a/n: please remember to wear your seatbelts! Safety first!).
"Taeyong!" Mark held his hand to chest.
"Sorry sorry, you're fine," Taeyong reassured.

He had been caught off guard by the sudden question regarding him and Jaehyun's relationship.
"Whatever it's fine just answer my question," Mark impatiently answered.
"Nothing, don't worry about it," answered Taeyong who proceeded to drive as soon as the light turned green.

"Come on don't give me that crap. We tell each other everything so spill," Mark nagged curiously. "There's nothing to speak about, drop it," Taeyong implored and Mark sucked his teeth after scoffing.
"Do you really think I didn't notice your flirtatious battles back there?"

"That was just...ugh fine! Look, I for one don't even know what's going on between us, okay?" Irritated, Taeyong snapped.
"Explain it to me. You both obviously like each other," Mark said in a matter of fact and his older brother blushed.
"Yes, I like him and he may or may not like me back. I'm not too sure, but either way I don't think I'm ready for a relationship," Taeyong answered honestly, his voice becoming quieter.

Parking down the street from Donghyuck's house, only a few houses away, Taeyong turned the car off. Mark can sense his feelings towards this topic as it seems to be a sensitive one. Mark decided not to pester him anymore about it right now, he'll save it for later. "Your destination is on the right," the GPS spoke, snapping both boys from their thoughts.

They stepped out the car and into the deadly heat outdoors. Walking along the sidewalk, Mark pointed at the house that matched the address in his phone.
"This is it I believe," Mark said. The brown house was fairly small and curtains were draped over every window. "How are we going to make sure though?" Mark asked as he scratched his chin.


Carefully picking up the mail from the doorstep to make sure he doesn't put pressure on his fractured arm, Donghyuck looked around to see if anyone was nearby and didn't see anyone. Little did he know, he was being observed in the distance. "Donghyuck, what's taking so long?" Donghyuck's mother interrogated as he became nervous.
"Donghyuck is coming mommy!"

He shut the door, making sure to lock it and placed the mail on the table. His mother walked into the dinning area and Donghyuck spoke softly. "Donghyuck retrieved the mail outside."

His mother ignored his words and glanced over at the mail on the table, opening them. Donghyuck opened to speak again but was hushed by his mother. "Shut up and go study or something." Donghyuck lowered his head as he responded, "Yes mommy."

He sat on the couch with a book in his hand. 'Why didn't the mail lady just leave the mail in the mailbox like she usually does' Donghyuck suddenly thought. Donghyuck shrugged as he continued to read the book in his hold.

"My sick baby~" his mother called out to which Donghyuck looked up and answered her. She pressed the back of her hand on his forehead and neck, "You're burning up. You should go up and rest."

After responding, Donghyuck was now in his room, laying on his bed. He placed his hands on his cheeks to feel his own temperature. "Donghyuck feels fine though," he murmured and stared at the ceiling. Eventually, sleep took over his body and his eyes were beginning to feel heavy as they soon shut.


"I have an idea," Taeyong spoke as he glanced and pointed over to Donghyuck's mailbox, which was full. Mark smiled and retrieved the mail, stealthily placing it onto the doorstep. Taeyong knocked on the door and quickly grabbed Mark's wrist to run behind the car.

Hiding, they watched as the door opened to reveal a thin male, wearing long sleeves with his hair disheveled over his face and a cast on his arm. "That's him," Mark whispered. Donghyuck picked up the mail from the step and flinched as he heard a voice speak up. "Donghyuck what's taking you so long?" A woman's voice spoke, particularly his mother's.

Mark and Taeyong watched as the boy panicked, "Donghyuck is coming mommy!" Those were the last words they heard before the door was shut. The two boys came out from hiding and exchanged looks. "I told you something is wrong. Doesn't it seem like it?"

Taeyong nodded, "It does, but we can't be too sure since everybody interacts differently." Something then caught Mark's attention when he realized what Donghyuck had, "A cast? But why?"

"He could have fell or something," Taeyong replied and Mark nodded hesitantly. "If you want, we can ask our neighbor if he's checked into the hospital," Taeyong said.
"That's a good idea! Come on let's go quickly," Mark rushed inside the car as Taeyong giggled and followed behind him.


I'm so sorry for the delay! Things got busy and hectic ahh!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though! Sorry for any grammatical errors!

Please take care of yourselves and stay safe, happy, and healthy!♡

Much love xx

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