■Chapter four■

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//tw: abusive behavior and blood

It was the early evening and Donghyuck was currently sitting at the dinning table as he watches his mother eat the dinner he made for her. Donghyuck's stomach let out a low growl and his mother glared at him. "Control it, you are not to eat at all tonight," she hissed at the seventeen year old boy.
"I'm hungry.." Donghyuck muttered to himself, hoping his mother would not hear.

But luck was not on his side today as his mother threw the glass bowl she was eating out of into the wall. "I said control it! You are to apologize right now," she spat, standing in front of him as Donghyuck looked down.
"Donghyuck is sorry. Donghyuck will be a good boy," he said lowly as his mother pushed him off the chair, making him kneel on the ground where the bits and pieces of glass were everywhere. With the glass slicing through the skin of his hands and knees, blood trickled down as Donghyuck winced.

"Clean this mess you made," his mother retorted before going to her room. Making sure she was far away enough, Donghyuck cursed as he picked up the shattered glass bowl and threw it away. He stopped the blood on his knees from seeping anymore through his jeans and washed the blood off his hands, bandaging it. It had been a week since he last left the house and he was angry because he didn't want to be here. He was now aware of his surroundings. He is dreading everything, dreading living.

After he swept the floor and made sure no more pieces of glass were visible, his mother came back out with something in her hold. She ushered him to the couch, sitting him down. "Come here my sick baby. How are you feeling?" she asked as she placed the back of her hand to feel his forehead. 'Two-faced bitch,' he thought.
"Donghyuck feels fine," he responded, only to be ignored.
"My oh my you don't look too well. It's time," she said, holding up a syringe.

Donghyuck receives needles from his mother once a month. He hates needles, but he's used to them since he's been punctured by them all his life. She rolled up his white long-sleeved shirt, revealing his bruised and scarred arm. She inserted the needle just below his shoulder and pushed the medicating liquid inside. Donghyuck watched the scene take place as she took the needle out.

"There don't worry, you will feel better soon," his mother spoke and threw the used syringe away. Donghyuck's eyes rolled back and shut as his head pounded. His hands reached his hair, grasping it tightly. He rocked back onto the couch, pulling his hair harder when he finally fluttered his eyes back open.

Donghyuck relaxed and sat up straight, "Donghyuck is mommy's good boy."
His mother gave a sickening smile that if Donghyuck were to see it beforehand, he would have gagged. She ruffled his hair, "Indeed you are mommy's good boy. How about we go for a stroll?"
Donghyuck clapped his hands together excitingly, "Yes! Donghyuck wants to go! He wants to go!"

He jumped up from the couch, a stinging pain striking his knees. "It hurts." He looked down at his wrapped hands, beginning to panic.
"Don't worry you tripped and I cleaned up the wounds," his mother reassured him and he nodded.

With that, they left their home and went to the grocery store. Donghyuck's mother allows him to walk freely outside without his mask now that he's older, but he was still required to wear long sleeves. Arriving at the store, Donghyuck went straight to the book section as his mother went to the frozen food section.

He skipped his way over, ignoring the pain on his hands and knees as he looked through the summaries from the back of the books. He sat down on the bench for a while as he read a few chapters of a science fiction book he found, waiting for his mother to get him.

"Excuse me," a gentle, but deep voice called out. Donghyuck peeked his head out of the book, noticing a boy in front of him. Donghyuck gave a nervous smile and pointed to himself as his long, curly brown locks draped over his eyes.
"Yeah, you. I haven'tseen you around. You don't come to the beach anymore?" the voice asked and Donghyuck was confused. He shouldn't be talking to strangers, he shouldn't trust them either. 'They're bad, strangers are bad."

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