■Chapter fifteen■

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The end of the week went by fast as it was now the weekend, on a Saturday. Usually, most people love the weekends to be able to relax and have fun, but not Donghyuck. He could not stand the weekends. Donghyuck was reading a book in his room to pass time by since he can not do anything because his mother is home from work. That's why he can not stand it, because his mother is home all weekend, meaning he doesn't have his free time away from the chores, beatings, and medications.

Has Donghyuck seen Mark? No, not since that day at the beach. Either way, they have no way to communicate with each other being that Donghyuck does not own any electronic devices. But Donghyuck trusts Mark. He trusts that he will come back for him and pull through with their plan which is to take place next Saturday after his appointment to remove his cast. To say he is nervous is an understatement. He is terrified, terrified about getting caught.

What if the plan does not work? What if his mother finds out about the plan? What if his mother already knows the plan and is just staying quiet? What if he will not be able to escape his hellish reality? All these questions with no answers. The only thing he can do is hope, right? He doesn't know how much hope he has left in him, but he is trying his best to stay strong. He will be saved.


Mark gathered his friends and brothers in the living room as the twins were upstairs playing with their dolls. He was going over the plan with them, making sure they understand what to do and the rolls they play. "Any questions?" Mark inquired, if their were any questions, they should ask now before he continues.

"You gave everyone a task, but me. What am I supposed to do?" Jisung raised his hand in curiosity. Mark really did not want Jisung to be involved in this since it might be pretty dangerous. "Watch Ha-young and Hee-young," Mark informed his younger brother who puffed his cheeks and crossed his arms. "But I want to help!" Jisung whined with a pout.

"And you are...by keeping an eye on the twins," Mark responded to the grumpy chicken. "Jisung, you're helping a lot," Taeyong butted in, hoping his youngest brother would comply. "I want to take part in all the action! Pleaseeeee," the fifteen year old did the best puppy eyes he could, making everyone present in the room coo.

"How about this," Jaehyun insisted. "You can look out the window for anything suspicoius. And if you see anything, use this walkie talkie. I'll be able to speak to you through it, how does that sound?" Jisung's eyes lit up at the mention of the walkie talkie and vigorously nodded his head. He handed the younger boy his small speaker phone and pat his shoulder. "Now, don't lose it and keep safe for Saturday," Jaehyun instructed to which Jisung held the device in his hands excitedly. "I won't!"

Jisung was busy observing the walkie talkie and left the living room to run upstairs to Mark and Jisung's shared bedroom. Taeyong met Jaehyun's eyes and mouthed a 'thank you' to which Jaehyun responded with his dimpled smile and a nod. "Which is all the more reason for you and WinWin to stay and keep an eye on them here," Mark told Jungwoo and WinWin as everyone giggled.

Since Jaehyun is the head police officer of their town, he was in charge of arresting Donghyuck's mother and eventually sending her to a mental institution. Yuta and Lucas were in charge of paying attention to Donghyuck's house to know when they return home from Donghyuck's appointment. Taeyong was in charge of the get away car which Mark would run to after making sure he has Donghyuck with him, letting Jaehyun do the rest of his job as a police officer.

The plan was all over the place, but all the boys got the gist of what needed to be done in order to save Donghyuck. Let's just hope no mishaps will happen in between their mission, otherwise a new plan will have to be sought out immediately. Though, Mark was confident he could save his Haechan because he has come up with multiple back up plans just in case one failed which he informed everyone about.

"Any other questions?" Mark repeated and Lucas raised his hand, shaking it aggressively in the air. "Will there be goldfish because-"

"You love goldfish more than me!" Jungwoo dramically gasped, raising the back of his palm to his forehead and falling on the floor with WinWin fanning him. "Babe, no I-"

"Look at me! Look at me! I'm falling, I need my precious WinWin to help me," Yuta fell back, pretending to faint to get his boyfriend's attention. WinWin towered over the silver haired boy who gave a bashful smile. "What you need, is your precious life alert," WinWin stated and plastered the exact same smile his boyfriend had before Yuta pouted, puffing his cheeks.


Leaving the rowdy group of best friends, Jaehyun and Taeyong were outside sitting on the porch. "You shouldn't wear such revealing clothing," Jaehyun spoke as he buttoned up Taeyong's loose yellow shirt which showed some of his chest and collarbones before Jaehyun fixed it. Taeyong blushed as he felt Jaehyun's cool, soft hands hover over his smooth, semi-toned chest. "Not my fault the weather is scorching hot out here," Taeyong claimed, looking away from the younger's eyes.

"Yeah well the weather isn't the only thing hot out here," Jaehyun stared deeply into the older's eyes whose face was now a shade of dark red since their faces were centimetres away. Taeyong slapped the younger's chest and pushed him away, catching the breath that he didn't know he was holding. Jaehyun chuckled, moving a strand of hair behind Taeyong's ear. Taeyong finally calmed his breathing down, but it was quite difficult since this man standing in front of his was so dashingly handsome.

The younger watched as the older's demeanor changed into a flirtatious manner. Taeyong mustered up his courage to gaze Jaehyun's eyes once again, speaking low, but sweetly with a seducing smile.

"I said I was going to be the one to please you, didn't I?"


Oop- 😗

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts about the story so far! :)

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