6) A Statue Mystery ✔

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Me:Hi once again and this chapter will be good!
Bill:Yes it is! It's all about me! Okay Can I leave now?
Me:nope! You're going to stay, but I'm doing the beginning Author notes!
Bill:what?! No- *leaves*
Me:okay now read readers! Hehehe!

(Mabel's P.o.v)

"Oh my! I lost Dipper! He knows the woods but me? Not at all!" I turn around, looking everywhere and each direction looked the same to me. I try calling for Dipper, because he would have to be nearby.

"DIP? DIPPING SAUCE?! DIPPER? Are you pranking me?" I yelled, but no reply.

I just go with my instincts and keep walking forward. Walking some more, I get to a spot that seemed familiar like I've been here before.

"Wait! This is where I saw that shiny thingy!" I exclaimed, and walked over the thorny bush.

Looking to the clearing, my eyes go wide. There, in the clearing, was a statue half deep into the ground. It looked like it was many years old, at least! The thing was, it was no ordinary statue. Not like George Washington or Dioshiba from my dreams. This was the Bill Cipher statue, with its hand extended out like he was about to make a deal. The deals he would trick you for fun and steal your brother's body, enter your Grunkles Mind, and the..

I gulp, shaking.


Even thinking it makes my heart beat quickly. He almost killed us and he would've killed the whole world if we hadn't butted into his plans. I take a step forward and nothing happened. I keep doing it and stopping until I finally reach the Statue, me and it were just inches away. It was sad. He could've been a good person..urr..demon thing.

But, I guess we would never know. He's gone forever. I could be wrong. This could just be a random Weirdmageddon..statue Bill made for himself..I look down at bow tie.

It seemed- I see a faint glistening from the bow tie, the same shine that I saw when we first got here. Kneeling down, I slowly poke and bow, then back up quickly. Nothing happened.

"Hm.." I go forward again on my knees and touch the stone cold bow tie. The bow opens, like a little bow door. I gasp and open it all the way. There, I saw, a little gold paper, which shined beautifully in the sun. I take it out. It was just gold paper. I turn it over and gasp. Words were written on the other side, but I couldn't understand the language.

Gold Paper:

Seerht ni emoc taht seerged ytxis

Seert hcrib nihtiw morf sehctaw

Nrub noisnemid nwo sih was

Nruter tnac dna emoh sessim

Rail a seh, yppah seh syas

Erif eht rof nosra eht emalb

Emalb eht krihs ot stnaw eh fi

Eman ym ekovni ot evah ll'eh

Emirc sih evlosba ot yaw eno

Emit tnereffid a, mrof tnereffid a

I get a weird creepy vibe from this slip of paper. "It could be a spell, or a trick! Ughh! I have to know what this means. Maybe it's important or-" My thoughts get interrupted by a yelling Dipper calling my name.

"MABEL?! Mabel!" I'm pretty sure Dipper called.

He spots me and I turn to see him. I smile big and wave. He starts to run over.

Dip panting, he says tiredly,"Mabel! I *pant* found you! What happened? Why are you out in the clearing?" He asked.

"DIP. I was just walking and suddenly I-" I exclaim, then stop.

Dip couldn't see the statue could he? Maybe he could see the paper and we can solve it. But, what if he didn't see it and he thought I was crazy?!

For some reason, I decided to put the paper behind my back and reply,"What happened was I..I saw a gnome! Yeah! Jeff tried to get me to marry me again! OH silly Jeff hehehe.." I say dramatically.

Dip narrows his eyes, the intensity getting bigger as I stare back, smiling lightly. He shrugs. I breathe normally again, but not noticeable that he can know really.

"Okay. We acually need to go into town today. Grunkle Stan told us to get some food and customers for the Shack." Dipper states.

I nod, and follow Dipper, playfully pushing him. I keep my left hand as a fist with the paper folded. Something weird is going on, but isn't it the normal weird or is this more than we ever seen before?

(Bill's P.o.v)

Geez, the humans make it so easy to walk on two sticks of "legs". I wobble a lot and lean on a tree.

Eventually, I could walk a few steps, but my human form started grumbling for some reason. I didn't feel good at all. I breathe heavily, as I slowly walk forward and stumbled into a bush, it's pointy daggers cutting me badly.

"Argh.." I mumble, growling as I get up again.

I put my hand on the tree to steady me. Pain wasn't that hilarious anymore, which really stinks. I still chuckled at the pain I caused.

My arms were cut a bit, so I just unroll my "sleeves?" and look around. It just so happens that I spot the Gravity Falls humans going about there day.

It just so happens that I like to make a entrance.

Me:Boom! Haha! Anyways, what do you think will happen? What does he mean by "making a entrance?" The big question is "What does that note say???" Anyways, see you next chapter! :)
Bill:This'll be good. *grins*

Bill's Return (Next Summer Gravity Falls #1) -Mabill- ✔ (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now