18) King of Disguise And Compromise ✔️

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Me:👏. A Full Tad chapter! This will be awesome!

(Tad's P.o.v)

I teleported away, blissfully returning to my forever home dimension, Nightvale. I checked up on my Dimension carefully. I float around the sleepy town. Quiet and calm, just like it should be.

Once I was in the woods,"probably not alone,"I snap my fingers and I changed into a human, carefully combed black hair, as well as black eyes, and wore a typical business uniform with a white shirt, black tie, dark grey pants, a black belt with a silver buckle, and a light grey buckled brown belt. I also wore black shoes.

Yep, just a normal Tad Strange.

I step into the town and frown lightly. People wave and I wave back. I walk into,"The Dark Diner."

The one called Susan is pouring a cup of coffee, giving it to me.

"So, what brings you around this time.." She replied slowly. I sip the coffee lightly.

"Nothing much." I state seriously. She looked unamused.

I walk out of the Diner and,"when no one was noticeablely looking,"

I teleported to the Mysterious Shack. I knock politely on the door.

As usual, the Mason from my Dimension opened the door quickly. The Mason I had wore a normal white shirt and navy jeans as well as black shoes. He had his hair combed but not that noticeable.

He grabbed me by the shirt. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!-" he theatningly asked.

He took a look at me. "Wait, Tad!? Haha, you have returned once again!" Mason yelled happily, letting go.

I roll my eyes. "Yes. Just needed to see how you all have been these past days." I state.

He thinks. "Nothing has changed around here. Me and my sister have discovered a underground crystal area beyond the outskirts of the town a ways. We are going to investigate and we could really use your help." Mason replied. I narrow my eyes.

"I apologize old friend but I won't be joining this time. I make a bet with a weirdo who has no idea what he's getting into." I state, frowning.

Mason laughs. "You acually found Bill?! The one who-" Mason yelled, but I covered his mouth.

I whisper heartlessly,"Dont you DARE say what he did to ME! He is DEAD to me and shall stay that way." Mason pulls my hands away.

"Whoa! Ok I won't!" Mason says loudly. The same horrid thought stayed in my mind,"YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A LOSER, A COWARD!" I shake the thought away quickly, my fist clenching.

I teleported away, back to my mansion in Nightvale. It stood as a dark purple and black colored mansion as such, and completed with a long porch area.

Though it seems like a regular kind of home, whome people expect, I open the door, make a left, and open the birch door. The dark room was empty except for the figures that lurked around it. I snap and I turn into my real human form, purple combed hair as well as a purple and black suit. My eyes were purple and my bowler hat floating just above my head. I held my purple umbrella. I held the black handle, tightly as I entered the room.

"I know you're in there..Come out now. I made a breakthrough and a bet is made. The plan is set." I called into the dark, then put my hands behind my back, stepping into the dark room.

One of them stepped forward. He wore a blue and black suit, paired with a blue vest. He had dark black pants as well as black shoes. His brown hair and blue eyes would make anyone intimated. The amulet was shown on the front of his vest. He crossed his arms.

"Finally. We want Will as soon as possible and you take ages-" he starts, threatening me darkly.

"Patience Gleeful. I've got this covered. Bill was just a nuisance I needed to throw off. We will find Will." I replied.

Mason rolls his eyes. "Oh really?! Like! I'm getting bored! Will usually does all the work! Brother mine, We should of took care of that other demon ourselves. Killing him would be funnier." She mocked sadly, stepping out gracefully.

As her brother, she wore black and blue,and the matching amulet, she had it on her headband. Her dress went all the way down to her knees, as well as black heels,brown hair, and blue eyes. I go wide eyed.

"NO..no..ahem. we should not do that. I..I have plans for him. He will lose the bet and he will owe me." I counter.

They get weird looks, but shrug it off. "Whatever-" The Mabel Gleeful replies, checking her nails.

Mason snickered as Mabel Gleeful started to walk out of the room,and of course, a paper with the words,"kick me",was written. Mason winks and runs to Mabel Gleeful, kicking her. She growls and pushed back. Mason runs away quickly, grabbing her phone from her purse.

"YOU LITTLE TWERP. GET BACK HERE!" She screamed. I sigh regretfully and walk slowly behind, a gather of purple fire trailed behind me.

Me:*puts glasses on* so, how good would you say your siblinghood is?
Bill:What are these clowns doing here?
Me:haha! Because I want more company to talk to.
Bill:Wow why did you pick these guys?
Me:because I want to see their reactions.
Mabel G:UGH like shut it.
Mason G:Make me. *fights*
Me:hehe...anyways see you all next chapter!
Bill:I strongly dislike this chapter because it's not about me.
Me:It will soon.

Bill's Return (Next Summer Gravity Falls #1) -Mabill- ✔ (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now