Me:Aww in my opinion, I think I'll like this chapter! Well see though. Just want to say that thank you, all 31 of you for reading! 👍
--------------------------------------------------------------(Mabel's P.o.v)
I go wide eyed at what looked like Bill, but it had to be. Maybe getting back at me, once again, with. His. Lies! I sneer at him, grabbing a large nearby branch. I swing it up, ready to hit.
"AHHHHahhhh!!! Please!..." He yelled, backing up.
He was..crying? Well, more like sobbing heavily. He covered his face, so I couldn't see his face at all very much.
Tears fall, and my face softens, more into a confused expression.
"Bill? What's wrong with you?" I asked, kneeling to him.
"W..What?! You k..know my brother? Who..? You're not my Mistress.." He whispered softly, his eye watery and puffy from tears. I come closer, and he backs up fast.
"It's alright..I'm not going to hurt you..Wait. Did you say I knew your brother? Is he, Bill, your brother?" I asked, smiling for comfort.
He nods lightly, sniffling. I frown, squinting at him. He looked to have light blue hair as well as light blue eyes. He wore a fancy suit; black and blue. The tailcoat was short and he had black tight pants,with black shoes. The thing that was different was..he only had one eye. The other was covered by a black triangle eye patch, but his hair sort of covered it. He looked cut very badly on his forehead, and it looked new. What scared me were the dark blue chains around his arms and legs.
"..But..W..Who are you?" He asked softly, looking at me barely.
I smile happily.
"Mabel Pines. It's nice to meet you.....?" I say slowly, motioning to him. He fumbled at his words, tearing up quickly.
He starts panicking slowly, getting bigger, and tears fall.
"Hey!'s okay...You don't need to tell me right now. But, you can't just stay here all alone. Would you like to come with me? And-" I start, holding up the blue flower crown.
He grabs it and stares at me.
"Thank y-you..Miss..Mabel. I too." He says, then sighs.
"Mabel is alright or Miss Mabel. Whatever you want." I say.
I force a smile, and start to walk in the direction.
"Wait." He called, fittling with his fingers. I stop,my back turned to him. I turn to look at him, waiting.
"You're..s-sad..You're hurt, more than you..can bare..Who..Who hurt you, Mabel?" He asked, stuttering quickly.
My eyes get watery.
"Bill..He lied to me..He just wanted power..and I was too distracted to see it." I state, smiling with tears.
He was taken aback, and looks down in shame.
"It's..It'" He says very slowly, collaping on the ground. I run to him and hug him softly. He gasped lightly and hugged back, his tears falling on both our sweaters. I didn't care. A tear falls from my cheek.
"How..? How is it your fault?" I asked hesitately.
He turns to me sadly.
"We u..u used to b-be a family! Everything was p-perfect. All of u-us would help humans and h-humans would give us g-gifts..called us Saviors. T..There was a huge fight between Tad..and Bill. They decided to g go their own ways, splitting us up. I should've stopped all this! I j-j-just ran away..Now..Bill and Tad are so..evil..and manipulative...They aren't who they used to be..especially Tad.." He stuttered loudly, looking like he wanted to cry all over again.

Bill's Return (Next Summer Gravity Falls #1) -Mabill- ✔ (NOW EDITING)
FanfictionMabel and Dipper Pines returned to Gravity Falls, Oregon this summer once again to spend there next adventure! Of course, they expected a normal..well "normal as Gravity Falls can be" but, this summer...things didn't go as they hoped. Bill...