Me:So far, I think you can already guess who is coming into the story but the title and picture, but if not, you'll be in for something adorable!
--------------------------------------------------------------(Mabel's P.o.v)
I sniffle, getting out of sweater town, but not feeling that better. I can believe I fell for such a gullible act he made, and I just played the game, losing this round..
If I just told Dip like I wanted to, we wouldn't even be in this mess! I hide my face in my sweater. Nothing even made sense. He just pretended to love me, he just pretended like all those lies and fake smiles. I look around at the lightened woods. I must have been here for a bit. I stood up.
"I know the Shack issssss...this way!" I point to the right of me.
Suddenly, I hear light whimpering from somewhere nearby to the left of me. More like crying. I get a uneasy feeling, but if someone is hurt, I will help them, no matter what.
My hand lets go of the tree and walk towards the sad noises, going deeper into the darkest part of the woods.
(Will's P.o.v)
I fold one careful stem onto the other, carefully making sure none get hurt in the process.
I look to my right and pick up another blue flower,"scientifically as Blaue Blume."
Such a pretty flower, it's royal blue petals as delicate and beautiful as the rest.
I sat criss crossed, as I lean over to pick another, sniffling loudly. Tears welled up in my eye.
"I can't believe I'm really here. I just make things worse as it is. More pain and torture for me.."
I just needed one more blue flower, but no more were initially left for me to pick. I examine my blue flowery crown carefully, and smile lightly.
I know I could just magic more flowers, but real flowers, the ones that are made from the life of Earth, are the ones that are genuine and unique.
But...The Gleefuls will come for me. They will hurt me again. They will abuse me again. They will not allow me to ever be out in this Earth once they find me..I will never be free ever again and I can't change that..
Tears fall from my light blue eye, as I cry lightly, which turned into a hard sob.
Streams of tears covered my face, my eyes red and puffy. I whimper sadly, then look at my blue flower crown. I suddenly get a weird feeling,"like a warm sensation."
I frown sadly, then look around. A twig snaps nearby. I go wide eyed with tears.
"The Gleefuls." I whimper and run behind a tree quickly, leaving my blue flower crown on the ground.
My hands touch the bark softly, closing my eye and slowly going down on the ground, still behind the tree carefully. I clutch my sweater sleeves tightly, as a tear falls in terror.
(Mabel's P.o.v)
I walked deeper into the woods, then my foot steps on a branch, a loud noise was echoed. I freeze.
A short gasp was heard in front of me, so I kept going.
"Please..please don't be something I regret.." I go through the trees and find myself in a short clearing, a dim light found in the middle. I look back and forth, walking slowly. My eyes scanned the area, then I see something blue on the ground.
I kneel down and look closer. It was a tiny flower crown, and a blue one at that. So perfect and neat, but who would leave it here? I grab it and turn it side to side, examining it, as Dipper does.
"Ah..ACHOO!" A voice sneezed.
I freeze, and I think it came from a tree near me. It whimpered quietly.
"Hello?" I ask slowly.
No answer. I take a step and some cracked leaves were heard, backing further.
"Hey..Whoever you are..please come out! I'm not going to hurt you!" I called slowly. The wind blows harder.
"S..S..STAY..AWAY...please..or..not..I..I don't k..know.." The voice hesitated, its voice getting lower and trailed off.
I look around. My eyes come across a hand visible from me, then hides again.
"Please. Come out." I say genuinely, then walk very slowly to the tree. I stop with wide eyes as I see two blue eyes look back at me.
It,"looked like a little boy to me," jumped out of its hiding spot, and looks at me, terrified.
He sat lightly, his arms further from me nervously. I take a closer look.
"BILL?!""MASTER?!" We screamed at the same time.
We both looked confused.
"What?!" We said in sync.
"What the heck is going on?!?!"
Me:Woop Honestly, Will is so adorable so I just had to add him in this crazy mess! Hehe
Bill:Pfff whatever you say.
Me:You're great too, Dorito.
Bill:haha thanks.
Mason G:Author give out servant back! Rewrite it!
Me:nope it goes my way! Anyways, If you guys have any suggestions, comments ect. Then, go for it! Also, thank you all for Voting, and reading! It inspires me!

Bill's Return (Next Summer Gravity Falls #1) -Mabill- ✔ (NOW EDITING)
FanfictionMabel and Dipper Pines returned to Gravity Falls, Oregon this summer once again to spend there next adventure! Of course, they expected a normal..well "normal as Gravity Falls can be" but, this summer...things didn't go as they hoped. Bill...