29) I Love You ✔️

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Me:Warning: Sadness overload

(Mabel P.o.v)

"BILL!!! *sob*" I yelled, sobbing.

I scramble up quickly as Bill tears up. He had a dagger right through his chest. He swayed back and forth, walking barely. He fell to the ground, collapsing. I hold his back tightly. He winces badly. I close my eyes sadly, tears falling down my face.

Ford narrows his eyes at Tad, his gun in hand. Tad frowns and sighs, breaking down. He started to choke heavily.

"I had no control..I-I'm s-sorry..Tell B-Bill I..Am Sorry for e- everything-" Tad sputtered out to Ford.

Tad just disappeared in little purple squares, until he was nothing, but a used to be murderer.

Will has big tears in his eyes, when he looked at Bill.

"B..BILL...I..I..CAN..F FIX T-THIS! M..MAYBE..I..UH..*wipes tears*" Will yelled sadly.

He put his hands out in front of Bill. A light blue glow flowed around Bill. Bill just sighed and grabbed Will's hand. The light blue went away and Will goes wide eyed.

"NO..L LET ME..-" Will started.

Bill shh's Will quietly. "Don't.." Bill said with sorrow, smiling.

Dipper, Ford and Stan gathered around Bill. I held Bill tighter.

"Nononono- This- This is all a nightmare! Nonono I'm g-going t-to w- wake *voice breaks* u-up- soon I w- will-" I convinced myself sadly.

Bill frowns and grabs my hand carefully.

"Mabel..*wince* You're g-going to move on..okay?" Bill whispered.

I shake my head violently. "You C-CAN'T die! I..I..can't live w-without y-you h-here.." I yell loudly, wiping my tears.

"Yes. Yes, you can..Sixer..Fez..Will...t take care if h-her.." Bill says sadly, turning to them.

They nod sadly.

"Bill. I forgive you." Ford states.

Bill smiles, tearing up. He looks at me.

"I..*sniffle*" Will starts.

Bill looks at me.

"I'm s-sorry f-f-for g-getting y-you into this mess.." Bill mumbled.

I cry softly, laughing sadly as well.

"D-Don't apologize, you weirdo!.." I say happily, but I was crying inside and out.

Bill just smiles. I would smile to that big smile any time. I smiled back with disappointment. I blink as I remember all the times me and Bill had. Bumper Cars, Ferris Wheel, Bonding, Hugs..
Sobbing I hug myself sadly. Dipper kneels to me.

"I will need to leave this Earth, Star..I am going to d-" I interrupted loudly.

"S-S-Stop! Please..I don't want to hear t-that..." I murmur.

"O..Ok.." Bill murmured back.

"We'll..meet again..don't know where..don't know when-" He starts, singing quietly. I smile.

"Don't know where..don't know when.." I sung sadly.

We made eye contact, both our eyes a mess of tears and sadness.

"And I know..We'll meet again..some sunny day.." We sung down heartingly together.

Bill grunts hard, and leans over. He hugs me back. I gasp sadly, and hug back, big tears falling.

"Don't..Forget me.." Bill states, chuckling.

I frown, and nod. "I..I won't." I say. His tears fall down his cheek. I just kept hugging him.

We connect our hands together.

Bill whispers in my ear,choking slightly,"I..Love..You.." I gape, sobbing in his arms.

"I..Love You..Too.." I called.

Bill leans over and kissed me. He wrapped his arms around me, and I closed my eyes as I entangled my finges around his hands. A soft gust of wind flows around us. We lean our foreheads on eachothers, staring at each other desperately.

He smirked softly, and I smile back.

"Can I just.." I say, slowly putting my head on Bill shoulder. Bill and me just sat in silence. I bent my fingers, touching his gloves. All of my doubts suddenly goes away somehow.

His hands slowly lose its grip on mine. Bill shedded tears and looks up.

Bill went limp.

I gape and sob, hugging Dipper and he hugs me in comfort. Ford and Stan look away. Will sobs loudly,looking away.

His heart stopped.


Me:oh my gosh! I cried making this! *cries*
Bill:*sniffles* DID YOU JUST KILL ME?!
Me:M Maybe..Let's see what happens then next chapter..*gets tissue*

Bill's Return (Next Summer Gravity Falls #1) -Mabill- ✔ (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now