28) Pines:Gleefuls Cipher:Strange

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Me:A battle shall comense!

(Mabel's P.o.v)

Bill looked petrified. I came closer as Tad snickered.

"B..Bill?" I stuttered.

Bill blinked and pants. He looked at me sadly.

"S..S..Shooting..S..Star.." he mumbled.

I make eye contact and he moves away from my eyes. He turns to Tad with a serious look.

"YOU ARE SO DEAD! You are going to release Will or else!" Bill screamed, pointing to Tad furiously.

Tad smiles wickedly.

"Gleefuls. You know what to do. Get rid of them." Tad called, shooing the Gleefuls away.

I go wide eyed. The Gleefuls snicker and run toward me in full speed!

"STAR!" Bill yelled, running to me and pushing violently the Boy Gleeful away from me.

The boy fell to the ground hard. The girl growled and grabbed Bill. Bill grunts hard and throws her to the wall.

"Pines! They are controlled! Sixer, I know you know how to fix this! Remember?!" Bill yelled quickly.

Ford goes wide eyes in realization. "Yes! Your brother..is controlling them. You see his hand is up all the time? We need to put his hand down! And long enough for the spell to wear off." Ford explained.

Stan sees the girl get up. Stan punches her back and holds her down. Bill nods.

"Sixer! I know you don't trust me, but Star and Fez need to distract the Gleefuls. Fordsy, It's up to us! You NEED to trust me!" Bill yelled, as I held the girl down with Stan.

I grunt. The boy pushed me away and both of them step slowly towards me and Stan.

An idea pops into my head. I smirk.

"GRAPPLING HOOK!!!" I screamed, holding it up into the air. I aim my grappling hook at them, shooting it directly at the two. They bounced back, landing on their backs, groaning. I look at Stan joyfully. He ruffles my head.

"That's my girl! Now, let's kick some Gleefuls!" Stan ordered. I put a serious face.

"Oh! It is ON!" I replied.

(Ford's P.o.v)

We eye Tad as he throws fireballs at us violently. I try shooting that demon but he always prevails and it doesn't even come close to him. Me and Bill run into each other, and groan. Tad barely missed.

"How are we supposed to hold him down if we can't get near him?!" I asked frustratingly.

Bill looks at me.

"Sixer we need to work together. It's the only way." Bill stated.

I think and nod slowly. Bill runs while talking,"Sixer do it now!" He yelled.

Tad was too furious at Bill to kill anyone else, so I run to Tad and grab his arm. He hisses but I hold it down. Still couldnt move it down. Bill joins as we both pull it harder. It tensed up, and his arm slammed onto the throne hard. A huge wave was heard in the fearamid. The Gleefuls stop in their tracks. I look over to Bill, who still had his hand pushed on Tads, panting heavily. He turns to me.

"Cipher. I should probably say, well. You could've left me there to die." I say.

Bill gives me the same smug look when we started building our machine.

Bill's Return (Next Summer Gravity Falls #1) -Mabill- ✔ (NOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now